“The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open.”
- Chuck Palahniuk.
What he says is true. If you don't take the risk to be completely vulnerable & open, you will never know how much it'll make you happy. To truly & completely love, unconditionally, without judgement or reason.
However, like every double edged sword, to give yourself completely can either give you the happiest moments of your life or totally tear you up from the inside.
How can you measure "happiness"? Everyone has their own opinions about that & it's an objective subject. For me, happiness is that moment you will never forget on how it made you feel. That moment you will always have at the back of your head & when you dig through it in a couple of years, you feel every single emotion you felt at that very moment the first time it happened. Even if that moment has gone.
The smells of that moment, the sounds, the warmth of the air, the colours of the sky and the ground, the words exchanged in the moment will always be remembered till your dying days & you will subconsciously have a small smile at the corner of your lips.
That is happiness for me.
How can you measure "TRUE happiness"?
True happiness are those moments that have gone yet you will always still have them in your head and your heart & you will remember every tiny detail about it. The weather that day, the smells, sounds, the clothes that were worn, every word said. The memory will be so strong that you weep.
Why do you cry if it's a moment of true happiness? It's because you remember that you were completely vulnerable & absolutely cut open in that moment, & that it's over, you're just left with the scar of this eternal memory.
To remember the pain in the beauty is the moment of true happiness.
So how? Are you willing to let yourself be completely open to get a chance at true happiness or are you gonna be contented with just happiness?
What he says is true. If you don't take the risk to be completely vulnerable & open, you will never know how much it'll make you happy. To truly & completely love, unconditionally, without judgement or reason.
However, like every double edged sword, to give yourself completely can either give you the happiest moments of your life or totally tear you up from the inside.
How can you measure "happiness"? Everyone has their own opinions about that & it's an objective subject. For me, happiness is that moment you will never forget on how it made you feel. That moment you will always have at the back of your head & when you dig through it in a couple of years, you feel every single emotion you felt at that very moment the first time it happened. Even if that moment has gone.
The smells of that moment, the sounds, the warmth of the air, the colours of the sky and the ground, the words exchanged in the moment will always be remembered till your dying days & you will subconsciously have a small smile at the corner of your lips.
That is happiness for me.
How can you measure "TRUE happiness"?
True happiness are those moments that have gone yet you will always still have them in your head and your heart & you will remember every tiny detail about it. The weather that day, the smells, sounds, the clothes that were worn, every word said. The memory will be so strong that you weep.
Why do you cry if it's a moment of true happiness? It's because you remember that you were completely vulnerable & absolutely cut open in that moment, & that it's over, you're just left with the scar of this eternal memory.
To remember the pain in the beauty is the moment of true happiness.
So how? Are you willing to let yourself be completely open to get a chance at true happiness or are you gonna be contented with just happiness?