On the train ride there I was thinking, should I just wait for Vienna at the MRT station or should I just go walk around first on my own? Ah what the heck right? Nobody knows me and so what if they thought I was a loser to be in town on my own...
I headed to 313 @ Somerset and walked right into Forever 21. Looked at the clothes and didn't really like anything until I came to the 4th floor, which was the 'Bohemian' section.
I looked around and there I saw a really cute bubble-like dress that was yellow. There was nothing to lose and more time to kill so I just went to try it on. Loved it & it was only $23.
Vienna finally came and I bought the dress.
Vienna and I then headed to the basement for lunch. We ate at The Handburger(yes I spelt it correctly)
The burgers were big man!
After lunch we walked to Orchard Ion then took a bus to City Hall. We walked to Suntec, I bought a pair of Rubi Shoes and some Rubi braclets. Oh! And nailpolish from Faceshop.
Well, it was to match with the yellow dress I just bought but continue reading to find out what happened...
So, V & I ended up at Millennia Walk where we slacked for a while at Starbucks and tried to camwhore. That was where we made our new year resolutions together. We've pledged to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
We will exercise without complains, eat healthy, have a healthy eating schedule and habits! That we must do. No more late night suppers, no more snacking, cut down the soft drinks, avoid the junk food... the whole nine yards. Seriously, we thought the holidays wouldn't affect us in that way but apparently it did and this year I'm going to have to go through NAPHA in the beginning of the year.
Ditched the camwhoring idea and we headed off to City Hall station. V left and I was about to walk to my bus stop where I decided to check my phone for some subconscious reason and I had a missed call from Sanjeev. Called him back and he was at Orchard so I waited for him at City Hall. He came, we talked about his day, showed him what I bought then we took the train to Tanah Merah where we walked to Simpang and met up with Bryan, Mervyn, Sarah, Asri & Hao Jie.
Hao Jie sent me back home. This morning I woke up at 12pm and thought I'll give myself and Sanjeev a 30 minute snooze period. 1230pm I woke up, called Sanjeev twice, he didn't pick up. I went back to sleep, woke up at 115pm, called him again, still no answer. At 130pm I tried again, he was still sleeping.
Forget it, I went to bathe, got ready then called him again. He picked up and told me that he was going to eat first. Fine, I was eating anyway. I decided to wear my yellow dress. However I just thought of asking him what he was going to wear... He replied, jeans and tshirt. Damn.. he was going casual. So I changed out of my yellow dress and wore shorts & tanktop. LOL. At least it still matched my nail color.
Sanjeev picked me up in the cab and we headed off to Lower Delta where he went to make his school pants. Told him, "I painted my nails.. nice?" His reply, "yeah, so goth" -.-
From Lower Delta we cabbed down to Great World City. We watched Avatar 3D. It was good the first time and it was awesome in 3D! Sanjeev liked it a lot and I knew he would. Well, when they've been making it for 13 years they better come up with an awesome movie!
Once the movie was over, Sanjeev and I cabbed down to Simpang where we met up with Mervyn and Hao Jie. Those boys talked for hours and in a way listening to these 3 boys talk it wasn't as boring until it started getting to 12am.. I started yawning. I couldn't help it.
Then Hao Jie sent me back. We talk a lot in the car...kinda funny too. So that was the entire day(:
Sanjeev and I, tsktsktsk... my favourite phrase to him, "You really don't treat me like a human!" HAHAHA!