have a little faith in me
Today was parent-teacher meeting but my dad didn't go for it so I don't have my result slip. I'm sure that Mr.DT & Mr.DS wouldn't just give it to me, they would tell me that they want to see my dad first before they give it to me as they want to talk to my dad about my "terrible" behaviour, constant latecoming and absentism from school. I don't mind not getting my result slip, it's just going to show many 0s and VRs anyways.
Yesterday night I went to study with Sanjeev and I managed to write my Geog essays & Sanjeev read history until we started to scribble on a piece of paper wondering how to get ourselves a signature and how to write in cursive handwriting and all that nonsense. Hahaha!
In school yesterday I had a really busy day. Early in the morning I had to find out how to write a better EoM during PW, break time I was bombarded by Mr.DS, and 2 HODs. At first they thought that my problem was that I was doing terribly for MOB but that stupid DS didn't tell them till we were all having this conversation that I've never failed MOB before in my life and I always pass my tests, exams and I'm doing very well in the subject. So they just went, "So you're only problem is latecoming and absentism?" Well... DUH! -.- Thanks to DS, I wasted 30 minutes of my one period break, no time to eat.
After that had to pay super close attention to Geog and I'm like kinda lost because although I listen and write down nots and all, it just seems as if Mr.Toh's words are bouncing off my face. I can literally feel he words bounce of my face and hit the floor ):
MOB was next and halfway through MOB I had to leave to see Mr. Tan Chor Pang, the principal of our school.
He basically bombarded me with my latecoming and absentism.. blablabla I wasn't paying attention to the things he was saying because he was just ranting over and over again about the same thing.
Basically here are some things he said to me:
"Doing your work, paying attention in class, not sleeping in class is not the main point, the bottom line is that you come to school and come on time everyday."
-Okay like that the moment I get home I'll just sleep, don't do work or study.
"At the rate you're going, you have no hope here. Even the disabled students have more hope than you."
-Yeah okay, so? You better pray I don't tell MOE about this.
"At the rate you're going, the possibility of you getting through this year is close to nothing."
-Then just retain la! What's the big deal, doesn't mean I still won't be top student at the end of 4 years.
"You can no longer be late for school. If you continue to be late, I will not keep you in this school."
-Are you fucking serious? You'll expell me for being late?
"Because of your absentism I will tell your teachers to not key in your grades from the beginning of the year to now."
-Fantastic, so my common test that I've worked real hard for during the december holidays last year is all down the drain. This school sucks.
"If you're going to be late, call me and tell me. If you're going to be absent, call me and tell me. Tell me your reason if I think it's a valid reason then I'll let you off."
-Okay, don't need to be so desperate wanting me to call you and all. You seriously think I was born yesterday is it? I might be in MI but that doesn't make me stupid, I know whatever reason I tell you it won't be a valid one for you so fuck off.
"The student in the wheelchair travels to school in a van that costs $90/day. I think that is a problem for him but he continues to put in the effort to come to school. You might have problems but do you think you're problems are bigger than his?"
-Yes I do think my problems are bigger than his, at least he can pay $90 a day (I seriously did answer him that)
"You're cockiness will get you nowhere."
-Oh this is not cockiness, this is me being me when I'm pushed to a corner. & BTW, you're aeroplane theory is bullshit. My aeroplane theory is way better than yours.
"You need to grow up."
-You don't know the shit I go through that had to make me grow up way before my years so don't tell me to "grow up" when I'm supposed to be enjoying my life as a child, a teenager and an adolescent. I never got to experience those years so don't tell me to "grow up" cuz I've already grown up.
I really really want to be the valadictorian of the school so that I can stand there and go, to all the teachers like Mr.DS, Mr. Tan Chor Pang, thanks for never believing in me. Thanks to your lack of faith in my capabilities I can proudly stand here and say that I obtained all of this without your help. So don't sit there and smile and think to yourself that you've helped me in any way, because you haven't. I did this all on my own. I've never been responsive to your stupid reverse psychological methods and I honestly believe that you are a disappointment as a teacher and prinicipal as you are supposed to motivate your students, not to affirm their self-degrading mindset on the fact that they cannot make it through.
This school is seriously filled with shit.
Yesterday night I went to study with Sanjeev and I managed to write my Geog essays & Sanjeev read history until we started to scribble on a piece of paper wondering how to get ourselves a signature and how to write in cursive handwriting and all that nonsense. Hahaha!

After that had to pay super close attention to Geog and I'm like kinda lost because although I listen and write down nots and all, it just seems as if Mr.Toh's words are bouncing off my face. I can literally feel he words bounce of my face and hit the floor ):
MOB was next and halfway through MOB I had to leave to see Mr. Tan Chor Pang, the principal of our school.
He basically bombarded me with my latecoming and absentism.. blablabla I wasn't paying attention to the things he was saying because he was just ranting over and over again about the same thing.
Basically here are some things he said to me:
"Doing your work, paying attention in class, not sleeping in class is not the main point, the bottom line is that you come to school and come on time everyday."
-Okay like that the moment I get home I'll just sleep, don't do work or study.
"At the rate you're going, you have no hope here. Even the disabled students have more hope than you."
-Yeah okay, so? You better pray I don't tell MOE about this.
"At the rate you're going, the possibility of you getting through this year is close to nothing."
-Then just retain la! What's the big deal, doesn't mean I still won't be top student at the end of 4 years.
"You can no longer be late for school. If you continue to be late, I will not keep you in this school."
-Are you fucking serious? You'll expell me for being late?
"Because of your absentism I will tell your teachers to not key in your grades from the beginning of the year to now."
-Fantastic, so my common test that I've worked real hard for during the december holidays last year is all down the drain. This school sucks.
"If you're going to be late, call me and tell me. If you're going to be absent, call me and tell me. Tell me your reason if I think it's a valid reason then I'll let you off."
-Okay, don't need to be so desperate wanting me to call you and all. You seriously think I was born yesterday is it? I might be in MI but that doesn't make me stupid, I know whatever reason I tell you it won't be a valid one for you so fuck off.
"The student in the wheelchair travels to school in a van that costs $90/day. I think that is a problem for him but he continues to put in the effort to come to school. You might have problems but do you think you're problems are bigger than his?"
-Yes I do think my problems are bigger than his, at least he can pay $90 a day (I seriously did answer him that)
"You're cockiness will get you nowhere."
-Oh this is not cockiness, this is me being me when I'm pushed to a corner. & BTW, you're aeroplane theory is bullshit. My aeroplane theory is way better than yours.
"You need to grow up."
-You don't know the shit I go through that had to make me grow up way before my years so don't tell me to "grow up" when I'm supposed to be enjoying my life as a child, a teenager and an adolescent. I never got to experience those years so don't tell me to "grow up" cuz I've already grown up.
I really really want to be the valadictorian of the school so that I can stand there and go, to all the teachers like Mr.DS, Mr. Tan Chor Pang, thanks for never believing in me. Thanks to your lack of faith in my capabilities I can proudly stand here and say that I obtained all of this without your help. So don't sit there and smile and think to yourself that you've helped me in any way, because you haven't. I did this all on my own. I've never been responsive to your stupid reverse psychological methods and I honestly believe that you are a disappointment as a teacher and prinicipal as you are supposed to motivate your students, not to affirm their self-degrading mindset on the fact that they cannot make it through.
This school is seriously filled with shit.