I got my phone back. My dad came down to the school take it (: I'm a happy girl now. Yeah yeah Jonathan, I'm some problematic kid right? Writing one essay about my phone -.-
Today was the first day to my additional suspension and it was pretty much like every other suspension. I couldn't be bothered about it, walked around and all that shit. Tried doing my PI at that time but by 5pm I was still stuck at another amalgamation idea. WTH?
In the end I went home and did it and I've finally completed it. Thank God.
Went to meet Sanjeev to go back together after school. We're forever singing in the train, it's amazing people don't stare and wonder what the hell is wrong with us two (:
Then bought food and went home because I needed to complete my PI.
Fareez is forever pulling out chocolates from his pockets. Hahaha! (: He sweetens my day every time I'm stuck in suspension. Haha :D
Edward arh.. see me outside the staffroom, "Peyton Chanel... hmm let me guess.. suspension?!" :P
Jonathan accompanied me for awhile since he had no mother tongue lesson to attend because apparently he can't do chinese, tamil or malay -.-
Tak guna :P kidding! :D
Now I realized that I haven't submitted my GP compre, die for sure from Mr.KY. Today early in the morning I already got one lecture from him. I'll just have to do it during the weekends then reach school early on Tuesday and drop it in his pigeon hole and somehow just whack some story about he went home by the time I put it in. :\
So, my brain's totally drained out from all it's juices, energy, resources.. everything!
Argh.. I hate this shit.
Today's song line,
"You should be honored by my late-ness. That I would even show up for this fake shit."
-I should say this as a reason to my latecoming ;)
Today was the first day to my additional suspension and it was pretty much like every other suspension. I couldn't be bothered about it, walked around and all that shit. Tried doing my PI at that time but by 5pm I was still stuck at another amalgamation idea. WTH?
In the end I went home and did it and I've finally completed it. Thank God.
Went to meet Sanjeev to go back together after school. We're forever singing in the train, it's amazing people don't stare and wonder what the hell is wrong with us two (:
Then bought food and went home because I needed to complete my PI.
Fareez is forever pulling out chocolates from his pockets. Hahaha! (: He sweetens my day every time I'm stuck in suspension. Haha :D
Edward arh.. see me outside the staffroom, "Peyton Chanel... hmm let me guess.. suspension?!" :P
Jonathan accompanied me for awhile since he had no mother tongue lesson to attend because apparently he can't do chinese, tamil or malay -.-
Tak guna :P kidding! :D
Now I realized that I haven't submitted my GP compre, die for sure from Mr.KY. Today early in the morning I already got one lecture from him. I'll just have to do it during the weekends then reach school early on Tuesday and drop it in his pigeon hole and somehow just whack some story about he went home by the time I put it in. :\
So, my brain's totally drained out from all it's juices, energy, resources.. everything!
Argh.. I hate this shit.
Today's song line,
"You should be honored by my late-ness. That I would even show up for this fake shit."
-I should say this as a reason to my latecoming ;)
