Confessions part I
"Peyton, it's already the freaking holidays! Why aren't you blogging?!"
Yes I know it's no excuse to say that I've got no time because it's the holidays and I should have ample time to sit down and write about what I've been up to but what can I say? I'm a busy woman and apparently, the times when I do have time for myself I'm way too tired to sit down and type about the long week I've had.
So today in the early hours of a new day, I shall write what I've been up to. Don't worry, I'll spare you the details.
The last time you heard from me you knew that I went swimming with Sarah. Alright, after that eventful day I went to meet my lesbigay partner Vienna George for lunch at Plaza Singapura's Manhattan Fish Market.
then we also indulged ourselves over at Orchard Central's Spinelli's with drinks and Dunkin' Donuts.
We ended the day with a major camwhoring moment over at Airport terminal 3.
On the 14th of October, which was the day after my date with V. I met up with Stephanie, Sarah Donna & Adawiyah for a movie date. We watched Fame at Orchard Cineleisure.
After the movie we walked over to the Fish & Co. Glass House for dinner.
and of course ended the night again with major camwhoring over at the Istana Park.
15th October I met up with Joseph. He needed someone to accompany him to go shopping and since I wasn't doing anything, why not help a friend in need right? So we went shopping over at Bugis street then we headed to Iluma to slack.
In the evening, we called up Faizal down and the three of us headed over to Simpang to meet Sanjeev and the rest. In the end only Sanjeev, Bryan, Boo, Asri and I went to George's.
The interesting day was 18th October. It was the Sunday which Dinesh was having a Deepavali celebration over at his house. A lot of people were there, like duh and thank God I didn't feel awkward even though I was the only 09A3 person there. His mom is damn sweet and his dad thought that I was an Indian girl and actually talked to me in Tamil. I sat there gawking at him only for everyone else to tell him that I'm not Indian. LOL.
when everything was dying down and everyone was going home, Khema, Zul, Sanjeev, Dinesh and I drank. Well, more like Sanjeev and Zul. Khema had her first drink thanks to us. On the way back home it was so obvious that she was high but she was just keeping quiet unlike the rest of us. HAHAHA!
Woke up early the next day because Rebekah was going back to Australia. For good. So as her friends we wanted to send her off. Her flight was delayed to the evening so Khema and I thought that we would have enough time to make her something before she left and in the end, we were too late and ended up missing the flight. Instead, we decided to go to town and at Esplanade we sat, talked and camwhored.
ended the day by going over to Sanjeev's place.
As we were about to go to bed, I saw a baby lizard in the room and I swear, we spend an hour trying to get that baby lizard out of his room so that we could go to bed. All the things we used, cables, baygone, flashlights.. it was as though we were lizard hunters. But let me tell you that the most efficient thing to use is a broom. That we learned right at the end.
We woke up late for school the next day. But we took a cab down and made it in the nick of time. Sanjeev's class and my class were having the exact same timetable for post-exam activities. YAY! First day we had Batik painting and Interclass games.
For the second day of post-exam activities, our classes went to Officer Cadet School (OCS) oh man, was it fun! And there was one super hot guy. Rodriguez.. will never forget him. And he talked to me!! Like HE, talked to ME!! AHHHH. *FAINTS.
After OCS, I went to meet Sanjeev, Dinesh and Matthew at the pool place opposite OCS.
The next day Sanjeev didn't go to school. We went through exam papers for the entire day. BORING!
After school I wanted to surprise him cuz I thought he would most likely be still sleeping but I called first and turns out he wasn't. He wasn't in the best of moods either so never mind. At night, he called with the serious tone and said, "Can you come over, we need to talk" and OMG, I thought the worst. Went down there and turns out, he just said that to get me down but his reason for asking me over was cuz he missed me. AWWWW!
Okay, so I'm going to stop here for now. When I get up later from my slumber I'll continue on to part two. I promise. Cya later alligators!
Yes I know it's no excuse to say that I've got no time because it's the holidays and I should have ample time to sit down and write about what I've been up to but what can I say? I'm a busy woman and apparently, the times when I do have time for myself I'm way too tired to sit down and type about the long week I've had.
So today in the early hours of a new day, I shall write what I've been up to. Don't worry, I'll spare you the details.
The last time you heard from me you knew that I went swimming with Sarah. Alright, after that eventful day I went to meet my lesbigay partner Vienna George for lunch at Plaza Singapura's Manhattan Fish Market.
On the 14th of October, which was the day after my date with V. I met up with Stephanie, Sarah Donna & Adawiyah for a movie date. We watched Fame at Orchard Cineleisure.
After the movie we walked over to the Fish & Co. Glass House for dinner.
15th October I met up with Joseph. He needed someone to accompany him to go shopping and since I wasn't doing anything, why not help a friend in need right? So we went shopping over at Bugis street then we headed to Iluma to slack.
The interesting day was 18th October. It was the Sunday which Dinesh was having a Deepavali celebration over at his house. A lot of people were there, like duh and thank God I didn't feel awkward even though I was the only 09A3 person there. His mom is damn sweet and his dad thought that I was an Indian girl and actually talked to me in Tamil. I sat there gawking at him only for everyone else to tell him that I'm not Indian. LOL.
Woke up early the next day because Rebekah was going back to Australia. For good. So as her friends we wanted to send her off. Her flight was delayed to the evening so Khema and I thought that we would have enough time to make her something before she left and in the end, we were too late and ended up missing the flight. Instead, we decided to go to town and at Esplanade we sat, talked and camwhored.
As we were about to go to bed, I saw a baby lizard in the room and I swear, we spend an hour trying to get that baby lizard out of his room so that we could go to bed. All the things we used, cables, baygone, flashlights.. it was as though we were lizard hunters. But let me tell you that the most efficient thing to use is a broom. That we learned right at the end.
We woke up late for school the next day. But we took a cab down and made it in the nick of time. Sanjeev's class and my class were having the exact same timetable for post-exam activities. YAY! First day we had Batik painting and Interclass games.
For the second day of post-exam activities, our classes went to Officer Cadet School (OCS) oh man, was it fun! And there was one super hot guy. Rodriguez.. will never forget him. And he talked to me!! Like HE, talked to ME!! AHHHH. *FAINTS.
The next day Sanjeev didn't go to school. We went through exam papers for the entire day. BORING!
After school I wanted to surprise him cuz I thought he would most likely be still sleeping but I called first and turns out he wasn't. He wasn't in the best of moods either so never mind. At night, he called with the serious tone and said, "Can you come over, we need to talk" and OMG, I thought the worst. Went down there and turns out, he just said that to get me down but his reason for asking me over was cuz he missed me. AWWWW!
Okay, so I'm going to stop here for now. When I get up later from my slumber I'll continue on to part two. I promise. Cya later alligators!