Well, we all know that it's nearly impossible for me to blog constantly because honestly, if I could blog on the go, I'll be doing it every single minute. But that's what Twitter is for (: Awesome.
Okay, so we're going to do the usual of starting with today then backtracking through the week.
11 Oct, Sun - 12 Oct, Mon
Sunday was a very brain wrecking day. Woke up in the afternoon at Sanjeev's place then took care of Shervan throughout the day and Sanjeev went to the gym.
When Sanjeev came back from the gym he was like with an attitude and shit, he must have been dead tired from the intense workout.
The night turned into a fiesta and thankfully Uncle and Auntie were there to help out. In the end, everything ended smoothly and thank God that nobody suffered any massive injury. LOL. What am I talking about? I myself don't even know. Just know that the situation was very chaotic that night.
We then watched Deep Blue Sea and at around 10pm Shutters came on. Sanjeev, Uncle, Auntie and I watched the show. Oh goodness, because I watched the original Thai version, all the images from that movie kept flashing in my head at certain parts of the movie so I was so scared. Sanjeev step brave only and after some time started to lean to uncle. Even uncle noticed it and said, "Sanjeev, you're starting to lean more and more to me as the movie progresses yeah?" and Sanjeev's response was, "No la, I want to sit like this" then he put his leg up against the wall.
The movie ended at 12AM and so they uncle and auntie went to sleep. Sanjeev and I decided to head to bed too but as soon as we got into the room, Sanjeev's stomach growled and we all know what that means. He's hungry!
I was kind of hungry too and we thought about ordering Macs but he suggested we just sleep on it. It worked for like an hour or so but after that we couldn't take it anymore and ordered Macs.
Ate while watching God of Gamblers then at 3.45AM we headed to bed since Sanjeev had Bio paper in the morning.
We both woke up at 6 plus AM and Sanjeev got ready for school and I got ready to leave too. We took a cab and he dropped me off at my place before taking the same cab down to school.
At home I got ready to meet Sarah to go swimming! I took a shower and changed then slacked for a bit. I walked to Guardian and bought body soap and then headed over to 7-11 to buy a bottle of Pocari Sweat and as I was walking to the overhead bridge to the bus stop to take the bus over to Tanah Merah, I stepped on a dead rat! Oh Shit. Then there was a group of lower sec St.Pats boys and they right in my face laughed at me and I couldn't be fucking bothered to entertain such monkeys of idiots. There was a pretty girl who dropped her clip on the stairs and they too laughed at her just for that. In the end, the girl and I glared at the idiots and looked at each other and gave a smile. HAHAHA.
I went to Bedok and took a train down where Sarah & I took a bus over to Bryan's place where the 3 of us walked over to the club.
Bryan went to the gym and Sarah & I went to the swimming pool but it started to rain so we ate first then swam for like 1 and a half hours, bathed for 30 minutes. I love the toilet. They have a hairdryer supplied for you! So my hair was voluminous and dry and soft after bathing.
Bryan went home so Sarah and I went to Raffles City where we ate at The Soup Spoon. Then we headed down to Bugis and Orchard. For the first time in my life I walked down Orchard road in FBTs. HAHA! Daring siol. At Bugis, Sarah and I bumped into Max and Jason. Max seemed a lot shorter since I saw him the other time at Simpang.
We thought of having a cup of coffee at Starbucks over at Simei and chitchat but since it was getting late and Sarah needed to get home, we ditched the idea and went home.
As I was typing this line, Sanjeev just called asking if I was still in town because he saw me. No. I'm at home blogging about my awesome day.
I need to go swimming again. Most likely at the end of this week I'll go swimming again. I'm starting to get addicted to swimming all over! :D
Oh right, before we slept this morning at 3.45AM, Sanjeev and I got married. HAHAHA! Cho chweet.
10 Oct, Sat
I was still over at Sanjeev's place and we woke up at 2PM because Jin Seng called Sanjeev to invite him to play pool over at Tampines SAFRA. He went and I stayed at home. Auntie went to rebond her hair. So pretty!
Well, the day continued as usual. As any other night would happen at the Ramesh house (:
7 Oct, Wed - 9 Oct, Fri
I was already sick and had a really bad flu and cough and a slight fever when I woke up on Wednesday. And Sanjeev called me at 6AM. I thought, "wow, so sweet of him to give me a wake up call even though he doesn't have paper today." but in fact, he called to ask me whether I had paper in the morning. I told him that I had Geog paper and him being the horrible influence that he is, told me not to go for the paper and instead go over to his place and sleep since I was already sick then in the evening I can go to the clinic to get an MC.
I went because I know that there is no way I could pass Geog with a U grade in Promo 1. Slept the day away but because I wasn't feeling too well, it took me a while to get comfortable because I felt really sick. But in the end, I was out cold until Sanjeev woke me up because he had to go to the gym with Bryan. Alright, he went and I got ready for the day.
Auntie came back from work and I headed down to the clinic. After that I went to meet Sanjeev and Bryan at Tampines SAFRA where they went to play pool. As usual. Over at Tampines SAFRA, I bumped into Bjorn. He was studying with his friends. They're all so dao and so very Cheena. Couldn't take it.
The boys played pool till 11PM then the 3 of us headed over to Sanjeev's place. I had my dinner that I so longly awaited for and once I was done I went into the room to play cards with Sanjeev and Bryan. I actually beat the 2 boys at dai ti. And after that one time, it never happened again. Bryan left at 3AM.
The next day was Math paper and since I got 2 days of MC from the doctor, I didn't have to go for the paper but Sanjeev said that he wanted to go for the paper. So the alarm clock was set up and everything but in the end he was so lazy to go and he gave up on Math anyway that he decided to miss the paper.
When we woke up, Sanjeev's eye was very red and he said that it was very painful. So he went to the clinic since he needed to go get an MC anyway. I stayed at home and helped auntie cook dinner.
Since I already had my uniform over at his place, I could just leave from his house straight for school on Friday for Literature paper. However, I forgot to bring along my exam text to his place so I woke up earlier than planned, took a cab to my place, rushed upstairs to get the book then rushed back to the same cab that was waiting downstairs and rushed to school.
At first I thought I wouldn't have enough money to pay for the cab fee but Thanks be to God that I had the exact amount of money in my wallet to pay the cab fee. So at the end of the day I had zilch money but that's okay. At least I made it in school on time, I had enough money to pay for the fee and that's all great signs to the day.
Once the paper ended, Stephanie, Sarah Donna, Adawiyah, Izzuddin, Shawn, Hafiz, Jamie, Rou Urn, Summer and I went to KFC at West Mall to celebrate the end of our exams! Everyone left and I stayed behind with Steph, Sarah and Ada to tell them stories. I stared at like around 12PM and I only ended my story at 3PM. Goodness. The story just keeps getting longer and longer.
So at 3PM I headed down to Plaza Singapura to meet Jixian. We walked around looking for a birthday present for his friend and in the end we got her a very nice clock. The other friends that were sharing the present weren't very happy with the decision of buying a clock for someone's birthday but oh please, so superstitious. Like we're living in the 21st century and so please throw away that 17th century mentality that clocks are a countdown to your death when someone gives it to you. Everyone will die eventually and giving someone a clock as a present definitely won't make the time go faster.
So anyway, we went home and in the night at about 12AM, Sanjeev called to invite me down to George's. Of course I said okay. I mean, it's George's! George's is like becoming our new hang out spot. Well, duh right? I mean everyone's like legal now except for me to be drinking and shit like that. I just hope my liver doesn't die before I turn 30.
Then I went back with Sanjeev to his place.
Literature seemed like a distant memory that day.
6 Oct, Tues
I was at home the night before and I woke up at 4PM. When I woke up I didn't feel good one bit and my dad took a temperature and it was 37.9 degrees. So, slight fever. I spent the entire day on the computer and I asked Sanjeev about his chemistry paper that he had in the morning. He said that it didn't go down very well. Poor thing.
I watched the Lauren Cleri video on youtube on her moment of truth. Oh God! I can't believe that woman still thinks that she's a good person after cheating on her husband. Asshole. And her husband isn't that bad looking either and he's a police officer. How sexier can he get?!
3 Oct, Sat - 5 Oct, Mon
I woke up at 4 on a Saturday afternoon and I felt completely shitfull with myself for letting myself sleep until such an ungodly hour. I wasted the entire day and wasn't able to study for MOB. Bloody hell.
So in the end I watched TV, used the com etc.
At 10PM I watched Privileged on TV and I love the dude. SEXY!
This dude made mist appear on my TV screen. HAHAHA!
Once the show ended, I went to meet Sanjeev, Bryan, Sarah, Mervyn, Adam, Asri and Boo at George's. Boo sprained his shoulder.. haiyoyo. Sanjeev was damn high that it was damn funny. Boo would hit him and his reaction would be so slow that I can't help but laugh at him. Then when he winked at me, it was so slow. Hilarious! So cute my baby.
Seeing him in such a condition, I couldn't let him go home on his own, so I went back to his place to take care of him.
The next day Sanjeev and I woke up with a jolt to the sound of Cassilda screaming at the top of her lungs and the sound of the baby rocker being thrown on the ground. The both of us came out of the room to find out what just happened.
Turns out that Cassilda bit Shervan's cheek and it was all red and he cried and screamed HIS lungs out and when Shawn tried to push Cassilda she screamed and got angry and ohh.. you get the point.
I took the available time that was bestowed upon me to study for MOB paper. Uncle and Auntie came home to settle the problem and everything.
Uncle, Shawn, Sanjeev and I went to East Point for some grocery shopping in the evening and it was so fun. HAHA! The bill came up to $200 over but the amount of things weren't a lot. I guess it's really expensive having a baby in the house.
In the evening, uncle and auntie called me into their room and they were so horrible! All three of them including Sanjeev!
Here's what happened:
A: "So, shall we start with the bad news or the good news?"
U: "Anyone you want to tell first"
A: "Okay, it's about you and Sanjeev. Actually, we have to tell you something about Sanjeev. Sanjeev? Do you have anything you want to tell Peyton?"
S: "I have AIDS. I'm sorry"
P: "What nonsense."
U: "*hits Sanjeev* Seriously. Because Sanjeev's grades and studies aren't doing so well, we suggest that you two take a break la. Not permanently, just for a few months, like till the end of the month. What do you think?"
P: "Uh, okay."
U: "Sanjeev?"
S: "Yeah okay"
U: "That was easy! No but really just for these few months, like till the end of the year or something then you two can get back together la."
*I was choking on my dry throat and suppressing the tears that might follow*
P: "Yeah, okay.."
A: "Just kidding la! Nah, *passes me the phone box* this is for you. Just take it as an early birthday present from me and uncle"
P: "OMG, don't need la. Like seriously it's okay"
A: "Take it! We're giving it to you"
P: "*ecstatic* OMG! Thank you so much uncle, auntie. This is better than Ms World! Can I break up with your son but still keep the phone?"
*Everyone laughing except for Sanjeev*
S: "Basket, so mean"
P: "No la! I'm kidding. Together forever!
S: "If we break up, you must give back the phone okay"
P: "I broke up with you not your parents!"
U: "Good point, Peyton"
OMG, Auntie and uncle gave me a phone! I love them to bits. I've loved them from the first time I met them, even when I was still scared of uncle in the beginning, and now I love them like a million brown M&Ms!
At night, Sanjeev was playing poker with his dad and he came in occasionally to check on me and at about 5.45PM he came and snuggle! :D
"I'm sacrificing Pixie Lott's MV just to snuggle with you okay! All the best for tomorrow's paper baby"
The next day I rushed home to get ready for school and took a cab to school but was late and got booked. Damn it.
I crapped my way through MOB paper. Used mostly common knowledge to answer the questions. And during Literature paper, I felt like dying. I seriously felt as though I was spinning on my seat. After the paper, I felt so sick that I went with Jamie and Summer to eat at Botak Jones then went home.
Sanjeev called just to ask to decide for him on which team he should bet on for soccer Haiyo, he's already lost $300 from that.
I need to save money from scratch. That's just horrible. I feel like my pool of money never seems to grow. It's like stagnant then drops then stagnant all over again.
Just my personal opinion, I love MY baby and his family a lot. I love Shervan, although he pulls my hair, pulls my shirt, bites my fingers, drools all over me. I still love him. Just like his brother.. can be so annoying and makes me feel like punching his face and slamming his head into the head board of his bed but I still love him and his family. Love auntie for caring for me so much and uncle too. Love Lithia for her bubbly personality and she's a bit like me! Love the 2 young ones although they are annoying at times.. What can I say? They're the Ramesh family.
Okay, so we're going to do the usual of starting with today then backtracking through the week.
11 Oct, Sun - 12 Oct, Mon
Sunday was a very brain wrecking day. Woke up in the afternoon at Sanjeev's place then took care of Shervan throughout the day and Sanjeev went to the gym.
When Sanjeev came back from the gym he was like with an attitude and shit, he must have been dead tired from the intense workout.
The night turned into a fiesta and thankfully Uncle and Auntie were there to help out. In the end, everything ended smoothly and thank God that nobody suffered any massive injury. LOL. What am I talking about? I myself don't even know. Just know that the situation was very chaotic that night.
We then watched Deep Blue Sea and at around 10pm Shutters came on. Sanjeev, Uncle, Auntie and I watched the show. Oh goodness, because I watched the original Thai version, all the images from that movie kept flashing in my head at certain parts of the movie so I was so scared. Sanjeev step brave only and after some time started to lean to uncle. Even uncle noticed it and said, "Sanjeev, you're starting to lean more and more to me as the movie progresses yeah?" and Sanjeev's response was, "No la, I want to sit like this" then he put his leg up against the wall.
The movie ended at 12AM and so they uncle and auntie went to sleep. Sanjeev and I decided to head to bed too but as soon as we got into the room, Sanjeev's stomach growled and we all know what that means. He's hungry!
I was kind of hungry too and we thought about ordering Macs but he suggested we just sleep on it. It worked for like an hour or so but after that we couldn't take it anymore and ordered Macs.
Ate while watching God of Gamblers then at 3.45AM we headed to bed since Sanjeev had Bio paper in the morning.
We both woke up at 6 plus AM and Sanjeev got ready for school and I got ready to leave too. We took a cab and he dropped me off at my place before taking the same cab down to school.
At home I got ready to meet Sarah to go swimming! I took a shower and changed then slacked for a bit. I walked to Guardian and bought body soap and then headed over to 7-11 to buy a bottle of Pocari Sweat and as I was walking to the overhead bridge to the bus stop to take the bus over to Tanah Merah, I stepped on a dead rat! Oh Shit. Then there was a group of lower sec St.Pats boys and they right in my face laughed at me and I couldn't be fucking bothered to entertain such monkeys of idiots. There was a pretty girl who dropped her clip on the stairs and they too laughed at her just for that. In the end, the girl and I glared at the idiots and looked at each other and gave a smile. HAHAHA.
I went to Bedok and took a train down where Sarah & I took a bus over to Bryan's place where the 3 of us walked over to the club.
Bryan went to the gym and Sarah & I went to the swimming pool but it started to rain so we ate first then swam for like 1 and a half hours, bathed for 30 minutes. I love the toilet. They have a hairdryer supplied for you! So my hair was voluminous and dry and soft after bathing.
Bryan went home so Sarah and I went to Raffles City where we ate at The Soup Spoon. Then we headed down to Bugis and Orchard. For the first time in my life I walked down Orchard road in FBTs. HAHA! Daring siol. At Bugis, Sarah and I bumped into Max and Jason. Max seemed a lot shorter since I saw him the other time at Simpang.
We thought of having a cup of coffee at Starbucks over at Simei and chitchat but since it was getting late and Sarah needed to get home, we ditched the idea and went home.
As I was typing this line, Sanjeev just called asking if I was still in town because he saw me. No. I'm at home blogging about my awesome day.
I need to go swimming again. Most likely at the end of this week I'll go swimming again. I'm starting to get addicted to swimming all over! :D
Oh right, before we slept this morning at 3.45AM, Sanjeev and I got married. HAHAHA! Cho chweet.
10 Oct, Sat
I was still over at Sanjeev's place and we woke up at 2PM because Jin Seng called Sanjeev to invite him to play pool over at Tampines SAFRA. He went and I stayed at home. Auntie went to rebond her hair. So pretty!
Well, the day continued as usual. As any other night would happen at the Ramesh house (:
7 Oct, Wed - 9 Oct, Fri
I was already sick and had a really bad flu and cough and a slight fever when I woke up on Wednesday. And Sanjeev called me at 6AM. I thought, "wow, so sweet of him to give me a wake up call even though he doesn't have paper today." but in fact, he called to ask me whether I had paper in the morning. I told him that I had Geog paper and him being the horrible influence that he is, told me not to go for the paper and instead go over to his place and sleep since I was already sick then in the evening I can go to the clinic to get an MC.
I went because I know that there is no way I could pass Geog with a U grade in Promo 1. Slept the day away but because I wasn't feeling too well, it took me a while to get comfortable because I felt really sick. But in the end, I was out cold until Sanjeev woke me up because he had to go to the gym with Bryan. Alright, he went and I got ready for the day.
Auntie came back from work and I headed down to the clinic. After that I went to meet Sanjeev and Bryan at Tampines SAFRA where they went to play pool. As usual. Over at Tampines SAFRA, I bumped into Bjorn. He was studying with his friends. They're all so dao and so very Cheena. Couldn't take it.
The boys played pool till 11PM then the 3 of us headed over to Sanjeev's place. I had my dinner that I so longly awaited for and once I was done I went into the room to play cards with Sanjeev and Bryan. I actually beat the 2 boys at dai ti. And after that one time, it never happened again. Bryan left at 3AM.
The next day was Math paper and since I got 2 days of MC from the doctor, I didn't have to go for the paper but Sanjeev said that he wanted to go for the paper. So the alarm clock was set up and everything but in the end he was so lazy to go and he gave up on Math anyway that he decided to miss the paper.
When we woke up, Sanjeev's eye was very red and he said that it was very painful. So he went to the clinic since he needed to go get an MC anyway. I stayed at home and helped auntie cook dinner.
Since I already had my uniform over at his place, I could just leave from his house straight for school on Friday for Literature paper. However, I forgot to bring along my exam text to his place so I woke up earlier than planned, took a cab to my place, rushed upstairs to get the book then rushed back to the same cab that was waiting downstairs and rushed to school.
At first I thought I wouldn't have enough money to pay for the cab fee but Thanks be to God that I had the exact amount of money in my wallet to pay the cab fee. So at the end of the day I had zilch money but that's okay. At least I made it in school on time, I had enough money to pay for the fee and that's all great signs to the day.
Once the paper ended, Stephanie, Sarah Donna, Adawiyah, Izzuddin, Shawn, Hafiz, Jamie, Rou Urn, Summer and I went to KFC at West Mall to celebrate the end of our exams! Everyone left and I stayed behind with Steph, Sarah and Ada to tell them stories. I stared at like around 12PM and I only ended my story at 3PM. Goodness. The story just keeps getting longer and longer.
So at 3PM I headed down to Plaza Singapura to meet Jixian. We walked around looking for a birthday present for his friend and in the end we got her a very nice clock. The other friends that were sharing the present weren't very happy with the decision of buying a clock for someone's birthday but oh please, so superstitious. Like we're living in the 21st century and so please throw away that 17th century mentality that clocks are a countdown to your death when someone gives it to you. Everyone will die eventually and giving someone a clock as a present definitely won't make the time go faster.
So anyway, we went home and in the night at about 12AM, Sanjeev called to invite me down to George's. Of course I said okay. I mean, it's George's! George's is like becoming our new hang out spot. Well, duh right? I mean everyone's like legal now except for me to be drinking and shit like that. I just hope my liver doesn't die before I turn 30.
Then I went back with Sanjeev to his place.
Literature seemed like a distant memory that day.
6 Oct, Tues
I was at home the night before and I woke up at 4PM. When I woke up I didn't feel good one bit and my dad took a temperature and it was 37.9 degrees. So, slight fever. I spent the entire day on the computer and I asked Sanjeev about his chemistry paper that he had in the morning. He said that it didn't go down very well. Poor thing.
I watched the Lauren Cleri video on youtube on her moment of truth. Oh God! I can't believe that woman still thinks that she's a good person after cheating on her husband. Asshole. And her husband isn't that bad looking either and he's a police officer. How sexier can he get?!
3 Oct, Sat - 5 Oct, Mon
I woke up at 4 on a Saturday afternoon and I felt completely shitfull with myself for letting myself sleep until such an ungodly hour. I wasted the entire day and wasn't able to study for MOB. Bloody hell.
So in the end I watched TV, used the com etc.
At 10PM I watched Privileged on TV and I love the dude. SEXY!

Once the show ended, I went to meet Sanjeev, Bryan, Sarah, Mervyn, Adam, Asri and Boo at George's. Boo sprained his shoulder.. haiyoyo. Sanjeev was damn high that it was damn funny. Boo would hit him and his reaction would be so slow that I can't help but laugh at him. Then when he winked at me, it was so slow. Hilarious! So cute my baby.
Seeing him in such a condition, I couldn't let him go home on his own, so I went back to his place to take care of him.
The next day Sanjeev and I woke up with a jolt to the sound of Cassilda screaming at the top of her lungs and the sound of the baby rocker being thrown on the ground. The both of us came out of the room to find out what just happened.
Turns out that Cassilda bit Shervan's cheek and it was all red and he cried and screamed HIS lungs out and when Shawn tried to push Cassilda she screamed and got angry and ohh.. you get the point.
I took the available time that was bestowed upon me to study for MOB paper. Uncle and Auntie came home to settle the problem and everything.
Uncle, Shawn, Sanjeev and I went to East Point for some grocery shopping in the evening and it was so fun. HAHA! The bill came up to $200 over but the amount of things weren't a lot. I guess it's really expensive having a baby in the house.
In the evening, uncle and auntie called me into their room and they were so horrible! All three of them including Sanjeev!
Here's what happened:
A: "So, shall we start with the bad news or the good news?"
U: "Anyone you want to tell first"
A: "Okay, it's about you and Sanjeev. Actually, we have to tell you something about Sanjeev. Sanjeev? Do you have anything you want to tell Peyton?"
S: "I have AIDS. I'm sorry"
P: "What nonsense."
U: "*hits Sanjeev* Seriously. Because Sanjeev's grades and studies aren't doing so well, we suggest that you two take a break la. Not permanently, just for a few months, like till the end of the month. What do you think?"
P: "Uh, okay."
U: "Sanjeev?"
S: "Yeah okay"
U: "That was easy! No but really just for these few months, like till the end of the year or something then you two can get back together la."
*I was choking on my dry throat and suppressing the tears that might follow*
P: "Yeah, okay.."
A: "Just kidding la! Nah, *passes me the phone box* this is for you. Just take it as an early birthday present from me and uncle"
P: "OMG, don't need la. Like seriously it's okay"
A: "Take it! We're giving it to you"
P: "*ecstatic* OMG! Thank you so much uncle, auntie. This is better than Ms World! Can I break up with your son but still keep the phone?"
*Everyone laughing except for Sanjeev*
S: "Basket, so mean"
P: "No la! I'm kidding. Together forever!
S: "If we break up, you must give back the phone okay"
P: "I broke up with you not your parents!"
U: "Good point, Peyton"
OMG, Auntie and uncle gave me a phone! I love them to bits. I've loved them from the first time I met them, even when I was still scared of uncle in the beginning, and now I love them like a million brown M&Ms!
At night, Sanjeev was playing poker with his dad and he came in occasionally to check on me and at about 5.45PM he came and snuggle! :D
"I'm sacrificing Pixie Lott's MV just to snuggle with you okay! All the best for tomorrow's paper baby"
The next day I rushed home to get ready for school and took a cab to school but was late and got booked. Damn it.
I crapped my way through MOB paper. Used mostly common knowledge to answer the questions. And during Literature paper, I felt like dying. I seriously felt as though I was spinning on my seat. After the paper, I felt so sick that I went with Jamie and Summer to eat at Botak Jones then went home.
Sanjeev called just to ask to decide for him on which team he should bet on for soccer Haiyo, he's already lost $300 from that.
I need to save money from scratch. That's just horrible. I feel like my pool of money never seems to grow. It's like stagnant then drops then stagnant all over again.
Just my personal opinion, I love MY baby and his family a lot. I love Shervan, although he pulls my hair, pulls my shirt, bites my fingers, drools all over me. I still love him. Just like his brother.. can be so annoying and makes me feel like punching his face and slamming his head into the head board of his bed but I still love him and his family. Love auntie for caring for me so much and uncle too. Love Lithia for her bubbly personality and she's a bit like me! Love the 2 young ones although they are annoying at times.. What can I say? They're the Ramesh family.