Holiday Blues
Oh how I miss the holidays. How I missed the sense of freedom. The ability to wake up at whatever time you wanted without worrying you'll be late for something. The ability to do whatever you want and have spare time to rest. The ability to... FINISH ALL MY HOLIDAY HOMEWORK!
So, a week's holiday might not be so much and time did seriously fly like a bald eagle overhead but I can say I made the most of it.
5 September, Saturday
In the morning was my church's youth group's sport event and I attended along with my cell to be the helpers. I've been the participant before and thank God I didn't participate this year.
I was the score keeper and time keeper for the basketball events.
Let me tell you a major secret, the sun was fucking hot! It was so hot and scorchingly burning my skin that I have a sandal tan and I seriously became like 2 shades darker. Great, I'll definitely look like a Malay.
Oh, another major news, my pink camera... is spoiled. I don't blame anyone for it. My cell leader, Shinuan was holding it because I told her to help me take pictures of the different sports that were happening and then she got hit by a ball and she dropped my camera. So the zooming thing is spoiled. Oh wells. At the beginning I was sad and upset that it's spoiled because, I mean, it's my camera! And reality was sinking in. But then I just accepted the fact.
After the sports event, I went over to Rachel's house before heading down with her to the chalet at Downtown East.
Secondary 4 Class Chalet, but not many people attended. Never mind, at least got to spend time with some of the people there.
Prepared for the BBQ and the rest who went to school for the carnival came. We finished eating and then Kenneth was coming so he called Faizal and Faizal asked him to help us buy liquor.
He bought Absolut Citrus and Johnny Walker Red Label.
In the end, I was the only girl drinking. In the beginning, we mixed the liquor with Marigold Orange Juice. Then we became retarded and wanted to get wasted faster or something I'm not sure, we just mixed the 2 liquors together and chugged cup after cup without the orange juice.
Then I got high.
Faizal was completely wasted! He started rambling and babbling about his break up with his ex girlfriend. And there were many memorable quotes from him.
The most famous quote is: "She might be 15 years old, but her breast macam 18 year old!" and "My mother will fuck me upside down!"
I won't go into detail of Faizal's wastedness to save him the embarrassment. But he did do something horrible which was vomit into the SINK of the Chalet. Kenneth had to clean up the vomit with a plastic bag. Such a man!
Putting Faizal to sleep was the most difficult thing on earth but once he was asleep it was my turn to ramble.
Joseph Ang! Remember what I said.. cannot tell people! HAHAHA.
At around 5am I fell asleep and Joseph was left to talk to himself so he went to play cards with the other people downstairs.
I vomited twice into the toilet bowl, thankfully, and I love all the people who took care of me! Especially Melody who sat with me and slept next to me.
I think AK feels awkward with me now.. LOL!
6 September, Sunday
Didn't feel well at all! I had the worst headache and stomachache that when I went home I seriously had diarrhea. Must be all those uncooked chickens at the BBQ plus the liquor. So I wasn't able to go to church.
I went home with the sober Faizal and my stomach was churning so badly I wanted to eat a big greasy breakfast to push that feeling down. So I reached home, put all my stuff down and then headed to Burger King at East Coast Park for breakfast on my own.
After that I went home and slept all the way till 5PM.
I woke up, did a little quality time to nurse myself to health then at night Sanjeev called me over so I went, nothing to do at home anyway.
Went there then sent Lithia off to the MRT station :(
Uncle taught me and Sanjeev how to play poker. And I won :D
Uncle went to sleep so Sanjeev and I ordered Macs and we ate breakfast and watched Fast and Furious on HBO.
That night, after sending Lithia to the MRT station and walking back to Sanjeev's block, we bumped into Mdm Isliana! And to make the situation even better, Sanjeev was telling me a story about his secondary school's friend and he was re-enacting the dialog his friend said and it was about fingering a girl. LOL!
7 September, Monday
In the early hours of the morning, before we slept, we played the DVD for Kuch Kuch Hota Hei because Sanjeev told me that the movie is very nice but we kind of fell asleep because we were tired.
The girl in the movie is so adorable!
In the morning, I had to go off early because I had Geography lessons so I had to leave Sanjeev in bed.
When I left, he said, "Thanks for staying over" so cute. Like my personal bell boy. HAHAHA!
On the way home, I bought dinner for myself and I bought the Mega McSpicy. Damn nice!!
That night I went back to Sanjeev's house to play poker. LOL.
8 September, Tuesday
I managed to do my MOB homework in the evening and he also studied Biology.
At around 4pm, we went downstairs to meet Rohit and slacked around for a while. Then we walked over to his grandparents' place where he was staying for the meantime after his mom's surgery and Sanjeev and I tried to escape meeting his mom but his mom insisted that we came over and meet her.
We went in and talked with his mom for a while and before it began to rain we walked back.
Rohit went back to his place to take his study things and came back to Sanjeev's place to study together with us.
That night, Sanjeev, Uncle and I played poker again all the way to the wee hours of the morning.
9 September, Wednesday
I woke up earlier than Sanjeev and went to bathe. Came back into the room and finished my MOB while he was still asleep. After I finished my MOB I was bored from it and so tired that I fell asleep again.
We watched Style by Jury while having lunch then had a serious study session all the way till 8PM.
In the evening, Sanjeev and I met Bryan and we went to play pool and Safra Tampines. We left at 11.30PM. I sent Sanjeev off then dropped Bryan off at Simpang where he went to meet Boo, Hao Jie, Asri, Mervyn and Sarah. (Then this group of people went over to Sanjeev's house)
I went home.
10 September, Thursday
I had to wake up extremely early for my doctor's appointment at KKH.
I found out from my ultrasound scan that I have a muscular growth in my womb that's 0.1cm in diameter and that's why my period pains are always so bad. It's common in women, 1 in 2 women have it and they're just going to monitor it to make sure it doesn't become bigger or cancerous.
Pray for me!
After KKH, I went down to Rachel's place. I was supposed to go there just to take back my Lit book but we ended up watching Style Network for the entire day and I repainted my nails to bronze and black instead of silver-pink and maroon.
I stayed over at Rachel's house for the night.
11 September, Friday
Woke up at 11AM along with Rachel because she needed to get ready for her 'date' and so did I.
We both left and I went home first to get ready. At around 3 I meet Sarah at Eunos MRT station and we went to Plaza Singapura GV to watch I Love You, Beth Cooper.
A very entertaining movie I must say.
We ate at Aston's at Cathay for dinner and I bumped into Sok Huy there!
The movie ended at around 11.45PM. We walked to Raffles City to have supper at Macs. There, Sanjeev called me at about 1AM and asked me to go over to play poker with the family. Okay..
So, Sarah and I took the cab and I dropped Sarah off and headed down to Sanjeev' place which honestly wasn't very far away.
I played poker and I lost my money :( never mind, it was fun.
Shaun, Sanjeev, Lithia and I slept at 6.30 in the morning and as always whenever those two are sleeping, I'm stuck to be in the center and squashed in between.
And on this day, Mervyn went to National Service. Poor thing.
12 September, Saturday
Sanjeev was the first out of bed. AMAZING! Not really, because he was late to meet his cousin to help his uncle take care of kids when they had an excursion to Escape Theme park.
I woke up, finished my bath then went back into the room to wake Lithia up. I had to drag her up! Like pulled her into a sitting position and hold her in the position if not she'll slump back down to sleep. So cute...
She finally got up.
In the evening, Lithia and I went down to Eastpoint to spend quality time. HAHAHA! We did the wax colouring thing, you know where you use paint and colour an outline then they'll heat it up to solidify the paint? you get what I mean.
She did the Winnie The Pooh and I did the Tweety Bird.
We bought Bubble Tea for everyone and I bought Magnum Ice Cream for myself after so long and beef jerky for Sanjeev. LOL.
I played Badminton with the family. Awesomeness. Won Sanjeev in the last match :D
Indonesian power right?
Showered, had dinner then went back to playing poker and blackjack. Again, lost money.
13 September, Sunday
Woke up late so didn't manage to go to church. Shinuan bought me a new camera. She didn't have to la but THANK YOU SO MUCH! Love Love.
I woke up first as always then showered. Lithia went next and when she was showering I brought Shervan into the room to wake his brother up. "The biiiiig piiiiigg" *in a Transylvania accent*
So adorable was Shervan in trying to wake his brother up. He drooled on Sanjeev. MUAHAHAHA! Clever boy.
Sanjeev got up and went to shower while Lithia and I ate lunch. Because we were eating in the kitchen, it was near the bathroom so we heard Sanjeev singing in the bathroom while bathing!
His dad came back and we told him to listen to Sanjeev sing. He stood in front of the toilet door and we three heard Sanjeev sing "Stars Are Blind" by Paris Hilton.
We played a bit of poker then Lithia had to go home. Sanjeev and I sent her off to the MRT station.
When we came back, Sanjeev's aunt was over and they played poker while I took care of Shervan while playing mini golf with Cassilda and Nash.
The relatives left and they played poker some more. When it got late, I didn't want to play anymore because for the past few days my luck hasn't been very good. At around 11PM I went into the room with aunty and we talked while the boys played poker/blackjack outside.
I went to sleep first because I knew that the boys were going to play forever. At 3 something Sanjeev came in and we slept.
Woke up early the next day to rush home to get ready for school.
That was my entire holiday.
So basically, as you can see, I only went home for a few days and the rest of the day I was out or over at Sanjeev's house. Come to think of it, a bit like I have no life. LOL!
Oh wells. Fun's fun.
So, a week's holiday might not be so much and time did seriously fly like a bald eagle overhead but I can say I made the most of it.
5 September, Saturday
In the morning was my church's youth group's sport event and I attended along with my cell to be the helpers. I've been the participant before and thank God I didn't participate this year.
I was the score keeper and time keeper for the basketball events.
Let me tell you a major secret, the sun was fucking hot! It was so hot and scorchingly burning my skin that I have a sandal tan and I seriously became like 2 shades darker. Great, I'll definitely look like a Malay.
Oh, another major news, my pink camera... is spoiled. I don't blame anyone for it. My cell leader, Shinuan was holding it because I told her to help me take pictures of the different sports that were happening and then she got hit by a ball and she dropped my camera. So the zooming thing is spoiled. Oh wells. At the beginning I was sad and upset that it's spoiled because, I mean, it's my camera! And reality was sinking in. But then I just accepted the fact.
After the sports event, I went over to Rachel's house before heading down with her to the chalet at Downtown East.
Secondary 4 Class Chalet, but not many people attended. Never mind, at least got to spend time with some of the people there.
Prepared for the BBQ and the rest who went to school for the carnival came. We finished eating and then Kenneth was coming so he called Faizal and Faizal asked him to help us buy liquor.
He bought Absolut Citrus and Johnny Walker Red Label.
In the end, I was the only girl drinking. In the beginning, we mixed the liquor with Marigold Orange Juice. Then we became retarded and wanted to get wasted faster or something I'm not sure, we just mixed the 2 liquors together and chugged cup after cup without the orange juice.
Then I got high.
Faizal was completely wasted! He started rambling and babbling about his break up with his ex girlfriend. And there were many memorable quotes from him.
The most famous quote is: "She might be 15 years old, but her breast macam 18 year old!" and "My mother will fuck me upside down!"
I won't go into detail of Faizal's wastedness to save him the embarrassment. But he did do something horrible which was vomit into the SINK of the Chalet. Kenneth had to clean up the vomit with a plastic bag. Such a man!
Putting Faizal to sleep was the most difficult thing on earth but once he was asleep it was my turn to ramble.
Joseph Ang! Remember what I said.. cannot tell people! HAHAHA.
At around 5am I fell asleep and Joseph was left to talk to himself so he went to play cards with the other people downstairs.
I vomited twice into the toilet bowl, thankfully, and I love all the people who took care of me! Especially Melody who sat with me and slept next to me.
I think AK feels awkward with me now.. LOL!
6 September, Sunday
Didn't feel well at all! I had the worst headache and stomachache that when I went home I seriously had diarrhea. Must be all those uncooked chickens at the BBQ plus the liquor. So I wasn't able to go to church.
I went home with the sober Faizal and my stomach was churning so badly I wanted to eat a big greasy breakfast to push that feeling down. So I reached home, put all my stuff down and then headed to Burger King at East Coast Park for breakfast on my own.
After that I went home and slept all the way till 5PM.
I woke up, did a little quality time to nurse myself to health then at night Sanjeev called me over so I went, nothing to do at home anyway.
Went there then sent Lithia off to the MRT station :(
Uncle taught me and Sanjeev how to play poker. And I won :D
Uncle went to sleep so Sanjeev and I ordered Macs and we ate breakfast and watched Fast and Furious on HBO.
That night, after sending Lithia to the MRT station and walking back to Sanjeev's block, we bumped into Mdm Isliana! And to make the situation even better, Sanjeev was telling me a story about his secondary school's friend and he was re-enacting the dialog his friend said and it was about fingering a girl. LOL!
7 September, Monday
In the early hours of the morning, before we slept, we played the DVD for Kuch Kuch Hota Hei because Sanjeev told me that the movie is very nice but we kind of fell asleep because we were tired.
The girl in the movie is so adorable!
In the morning, I had to go off early because I had Geography lessons so I had to leave Sanjeev in bed.
When I left, he said, "Thanks for staying over" so cute. Like my personal bell boy. HAHAHA!
On the way home, I bought dinner for myself and I bought the Mega McSpicy. Damn nice!!
That night I went back to Sanjeev's house to play poker. LOL.
8 September, Tuesday
I managed to do my MOB homework in the evening and he also studied Biology.
At around 4pm, we went downstairs to meet Rohit and slacked around for a while. Then we walked over to his grandparents' place where he was staying for the meantime after his mom's surgery and Sanjeev and I tried to escape meeting his mom but his mom insisted that we came over and meet her.
We went in and talked with his mom for a while and before it began to rain we walked back.
Rohit went back to his place to take his study things and came back to Sanjeev's place to study together with us.
That night, Sanjeev, Uncle and I played poker again all the way to the wee hours of the morning.
9 September, Wednesday
I woke up earlier than Sanjeev and went to bathe. Came back into the room and finished my MOB while he was still asleep. After I finished my MOB I was bored from it and so tired that I fell asleep again.
We watched Style by Jury while having lunch then had a serious study session all the way till 8PM.
In the evening, Sanjeev and I met Bryan and we went to play pool and Safra Tampines. We left at 11.30PM. I sent Sanjeev off then dropped Bryan off at Simpang where he went to meet Boo, Hao Jie, Asri, Mervyn and Sarah. (Then this group of people went over to Sanjeev's house)
I went home.
10 September, Thursday
I had to wake up extremely early for my doctor's appointment at KKH.
I found out from my ultrasound scan that I have a muscular growth in my womb that's 0.1cm in diameter and that's why my period pains are always so bad. It's common in women, 1 in 2 women have it and they're just going to monitor it to make sure it doesn't become bigger or cancerous.
Pray for me!
After KKH, I went down to Rachel's place. I was supposed to go there just to take back my Lit book but we ended up watching Style Network for the entire day and I repainted my nails to bronze and black instead of silver-pink and maroon.
I stayed over at Rachel's house for the night.
11 September, Friday
Woke up at 11AM along with Rachel because she needed to get ready for her 'date' and so did I.
We both left and I went home first to get ready. At around 3 I meet Sarah at Eunos MRT station and we went to Plaza Singapura GV to watch I Love You, Beth Cooper.

We ate at Aston's at Cathay for dinner and I bumped into Sok Huy there!
The movie ended at around 11.45PM. We walked to Raffles City to have supper at Macs. There, Sanjeev called me at about 1AM and asked me to go over to play poker with the family. Okay..
So, Sarah and I took the cab and I dropped Sarah off and headed down to Sanjeev' place which honestly wasn't very far away.
I played poker and I lost my money :( never mind, it was fun.
Shaun, Sanjeev, Lithia and I slept at 6.30 in the morning and as always whenever those two are sleeping, I'm stuck to be in the center and squashed in between.
And on this day, Mervyn went to National Service. Poor thing.
12 September, Saturday
Sanjeev was the first out of bed. AMAZING! Not really, because he was late to meet his cousin to help his uncle take care of kids when they had an excursion to Escape Theme park.
I woke up, finished my bath then went back into the room to wake Lithia up. I had to drag her up! Like pulled her into a sitting position and hold her in the position if not she'll slump back down to sleep. So cute...
She finally got up.
In the evening, Lithia and I went down to Eastpoint to spend quality time. HAHAHA! We did the wax colouring thing, you know where you use paint and colour an outline then they'll heat it up to solidify the paint? you get what I mean.
She did the Winnie The Pooh and I did the Tweety Bird.
We bought Bubble Tea for everyone and I bought Magnum Ice Cream for myself after so long and beef jerky for Sanjeev. LOL.
I played Badminton with the family. Awesomeness. Won Sanjeev in the last match :D
Indonesian power right?
Showered, had dinner then went back to playing poker and blackjack. Again, lost money.
13 September, Sunday
Woke up late so didn't manage to go to church. Shinuan bought me a new camera. She didn't have to la but THANK YOU SO MUCH! Love Love.
I woke up first as always then showered. Lithia went next and when she was showering I brought Shervan into the room to wake his brother up. "The biiiiig piiiiigg" *in a Transylvania accent*
So adorable was Shervan in trying to wake his brother up. He drooled on Sanjeev. MUAHAHAHA! Clever boy.
Sanjeev got up and went to shower while Lithia and I ate lunch. Because we were eating in the kitchen, it was near the bathroom so we heard Sanjeev singing in the bathroom while bathing!
His dad came back and we told him to listen to Sanjeev sing. He stood in front of the toilet door and we three heard Sanjeev sing "Stars Are Blind" by Paris Hilton.
We played a bit of poker then Lithia had to go home. Sanjeev and I sent her off to the MRT station.
When we came back, Sanjeev's aunt was over and they played poker while I took care of Shervan while playing mini golf with Cassilda and Nash.
The relatives left and they played poker some more. When it got late, I didn't want to play anymore because for the past few days my luck hasn't been very good. At around 11PM I went into the room with aunty and we talked while the boys played poker/blackjack outside.
I went to sleep first because I knew that the boys were going to play forever. At 3 something Sanjeev came in and we slept.
Woke up early the next day to rush home to get ready for school.
That was my entire holiday.
So basically, as you can see, I only went home for a few days and the rest of the day I was out or over at Sanjeev's house. Come to think of it, a bit like I have no life. LOL!
Oh wells. Fun's fun.