finally some free time
It looks as though my blog is dead but that isn't the case. I know I've been saying that for so many times and I bet you can read the number of posts that has that saying. However, I can't help it. I thought that I could at least blog every weekend but the weekends are normally the only time I can hang out till late so I won't be able to blog. If only the entire Singapore had wireless even on the streets, I will bring my laptop everywhere I go and blog.
So here's my super overdue stories.
23 August 2009
It was a boring day. Nothing much happened. I completed Geography tutorial 9 then went back to sleep in the afternoon.
After the sleep I felt super lethargic and kept sleeping for the entire day. I'm such a pig. And the best part came when it rained! Oh, how not to sleep?
At night I talked to Lidia and Rachel online then watched Who's Line Is It Anyway and went off to bed, again. Major pigness!
24 August 2009
I paid attention for every lesson except GP. I don't know why, sitting next to Rueban is a major distraction, he always has awesome stories to tell.
I didn't complete my MOB tutorial 9 so I got scolding for that and until now I still haven't done it. Must do it for holidays.
During Geography lecture I got so distracted by Soleha that I took all my stuff then sat in the front row away from that woman! Oh goodness. Trying to listen to the formation of Karsts and then there you have next to you a woman who I think went mental because she was fasting or something. HAHAHA! But I still love that girl.
For PE we did a stupid dance and each class had to incorporate their own moves. My class was so retarded and funny and all our dance moves were hilarious. We even have a class "teamwork" cheer and a class signature pose called, "Vogue".
Ryan completely pissed Mdm Cho off during Literature and that was the first time she really burst out at the entire class. Seriously, Ryan is becoming more than just a pain in the ass. He gives no substantial information and he constantly rejects all responsibility. Still dare to say that he is a good Christian?! I'm seriously sick and tired of him.
After Mdm Cho vented out all her anger, I felt really bad. She was so pissed that she even tore up the unseen poem we were doing together. She tore her paper and threw the pieces on the ground. Like honestly tell me, can you figure out how pissed she was?
25 August 2009
Was distracted the whole day with my own thoughts and couldn't absorb much in school. Must have been too tired with everything.
After school I went straight home on 506.
In school God was great. He seriously gave me all the signs that I needed. In the canteen I suddenly noticed posters and they said, "Persevere", "A New Chapter", "Make A Difference".
Complete trust in God, I have.
26 August 2009
Was late for school but I walked into school with Melvin. That funny fellow. As I was walking into school through the main gate, I received a text message from Sanjeev asking if I went to school today even though I'm late. And he said that if I didn't go to school to go down to his place and slack for the whole day.
But you know me, I'm addicted to school. I'll feel guilty if I don't go. Furthermore with the exams coming right at me at top speed.
I had my Malay Oral and I was the first person in my entire class to do it. Damn. Totally screwed it up I can say. Spoke a lot of English and even asked my teacher to translate for me English into Malay.
After school, I accompanied Joel to Serangoon to cut his hair. And I had a serious bimbo moment. $20 divided by 2=10 and I thought that with $20 I could buy 20 packets of chicken rice. Joel and I laughed our brains out at the back of the bus over that.
In the evening, Sanjeev called me to release all his panic. The night before he went out with the guys and drank which was a never-mind-thing for me. The next day he went to cut his hair. He told the barber to cut a Mohawk which was a regular thing for him. But this time, he fell asleep at the barber's chair and when he woke up, he seriously just had a Mohawk. Like those skinhead type of haircuts. So he said that his hair is ruined and asked me to go down to check it out.
When I went down, the Mohawk was really extraordinary!
I stayed overnight since it was already so late.
27 August 2009
Woke up at 9.40am after Jamie's phone call. I seriously overslept. I was late for school but I still went anyway and I left Sanjeev on the bed to sleep. Like in the movies. HAHAHA!
I went home first to freshen up and change into my uniform then I took the train to school.
I reached school in time for break and since my break was 2 hours long, I slacked and then since Rueban and Bjorn weren't going for their next class I decided to skip Math and headed to the Library with Rueban, Bjorn and Rohit.
While in the Library, we talked a lot to the extent that the table behind the shelf tossed a paper ball at us with a note inside telling us to keep quiet cause they were trying to study (which seemed like shit because they too were talking a lot). Anyway, I wrote the word "Sorry" and asked Bjorn to toss it back over the shelf and he threw it, it hit the shelf and fell back to our side. Rohit tried and it also fell back to our side. Rueban tried, also failed! In the end, I got fed up I just walked over to their table and said sorry. When they left I tried tossing the paper ball over the shelf and I succeeded. Boys suck at throwing..
Went for Geography lesson and we played with sand. So nonsense actually. But it was interesting.
After school, Soleha stayed back with me to go through with me the things I missed for Literature in the morning.
At 6.45pm we walked over to the hawker because Soleha needed to break fast and I accompanied her. I can bet that everyone thought I was the one who needed to break fast and Soleha was the one accompanying me when it was the other way around. I don't like the fasting period, people will stare at me as if I'm some horrible muslim who didn't fast but I'm not even a muslim and I'm not a Malay!
28 August 2009
My period came so I didn't go to school. Felt guilty though but what to do? In the evening I felt bored and restless so I asked Sarah whether she was free and she said yes so we decided to meet up for dinner and slacking.
Sarah was already reaching Pasir Ris and I was about to leave when my dad said that I can't go out. WTF?! I didn't care, totally defied him and walked out of the house to meet Sarah. I'm not the kind of friend who backs out at the last minute especially when my friend has already arrived at the destination. My dad was completely unreasonable and mental that night.
I met Sarah at Pasir Ris and we headed down to Ehub. We ate Superdog for dinner then headed down to Pasir Ris beach to slack. Then when it was getting late, we went back to Downtown East and bought snacks and headed to some secluded corner and sat there to eat.
Pictures are on facebook but here are some pictures.

Sanjeev went out for his own boys' night so Sarah and I went to have our own fun time :D
29 August 2009
At 5 in the morning Sanjeev called me, (I bet he was high) to talk. Such an odd timing to do so. But sweet la even if he had to wake me up for it. HAHAHA.
Talked for 2 hours or more and he had to sleep because once the sun rises he can't sleep. Like a freaking vampire you know.
We came to the conclusion that we both love chocolate syrup.
I had to get up anyways to get ready for flag day with my cell. As I was walking to Bugis MRT, I bumped into one of my highness and he asked me to donate. I told him that I was doing the same thing and then he smiled at me and let me off. OMG, like actually said words to him. GASP.
Amanda and I walked all the way to Funan IT Mall and there we stood asking for donations when suddenly, I GOT STUNG BY A BEE!
Thank God I'm not allergic to it. But I pulled out the sting from my thigh and then the burning sensation came and it became swollen. Shinuan, Panda and Abigail went back to Marine Parade with me. Abigail took the bus to Bedok.
The polyclinic was closed so I couldn't see a doctor and a private doctor would cost me more than $40 and I might get an injection. So no thanks. After a day, the swelling went away but up till now, that spot itches at random times. So weird right? I know.
30 August 2009
Actually managed to wake up the next day and went to church after a few months of going missing. LOL. Saw highness! And Reuben is in the army now.. Oh yeah. HAHAHA. All bald.
After service, went with the cell and Kelvin to Eighteen Chefs at East Point to have lunch. The food's good and we had a fun time having the whole cell together. But Prisia wasn't there because she had a knee surgery.

When lunch was over, I walked over to Sanjeev's house and it was drizzling. I walked under the blocks and I knew that there was someone behind me but I couldn't be bothered.
Suddenly, under one block, everything went extremely quiet which was already starting to freak me out and then I felt something touch the small of my back. I jumped and had the shock of my life when I heard the words, "Excuse me". Please la! 7th Month Ghost Festival and all that happening to me, like Dead Silence.
Turns out it was some Malay guy. And he said, "Can I get to know you?"
WTF?! "Er, no. I'm actually on my way to meet my boyfriend"
"Oh, you have a boyfriend?"
"Okay. Never mind then. Thanks and sorry"
Then he walked away all dejected and sorrowful.
Seriously, I have to give Malay dude props. They are actually the only brave souls to approach random girls. They seriously have high self esteem. Don't mind getting rejected and shit.
In the evening, went to play pool at Tampines Safra with Sanjeev, Bryan, Hao Jie and Rachel. Yes, like finally, Rachel met Sanjeev and Bryan. Before pool we ate at Simpang for dinner.
Rachel and I actually played a game of pool on our own! :D And I won. HAHAHAHA! (So hao lian) Rachel had to go home at 11pm so I sent her out and accompanied her to wait for a cab. Then I went back in and the 3 of us went back to Sanjeev's house at 12am. Mervyn and Sarah came over.
Mervyn and Sanjeev played PS2 till 5 in the morning. Typical.
Bryan, Sarah and I talked and joked amongst ourselves and did retarded things. Especially Sarah and me. Bryan just sat there and shook his head. As usual! Hao Jie like a pig slept. ROFL.
(Pictures of pool are with Sanjeev cuz my camera ran out of batteries so we used his camera)
31 August 2009
Woke up late and then headed back home to get my uniform. Since it was already late, didn't bother going to school. Grabbed an extra set of clothes then headed down to Sanjeev's place where I went back to sleep.
In the afternoon, Sanjeev had to go back to his secondary school to see his old friends and teachers for teacher's day celebrations. I didn't bother going back to GM. But I left too and I met Rachel, Huien, Melody, Lidia, Raquel, Jiamin, Tania, Kenneth and Richard at City Link.
Tania, Kenneth and Richard went to eat. So the rest of us walked around city hall then came to the conclusion of wanting to go to Spinelli's. Lidia left first to meet her Tommy.
We went to Spinelli's at Orchard Central and I shared the potato salad with Rachel. Their tea isn't bad. Quite nice actually. We played cards and a lot of screaming occurred as usual.
At 6pm I went home and I reached home at 7pm. As I just got on the computer and already changed into my home clothes, Sanjeev called and asked me to go down to George's with the rest. So I got off the com and got ready then went down to the place. Asri, Boo, Bryan, Sarah and Mervyn were there too. Bryan was so tired. Could tell and he wanted to sleep but coming the end of the entire thing he seemed awake. HAHA.
Sanjeev went to get an MC for that day and his dad called him to go home. He was annoyed and irritated by it because it was only 10.30pm. So I didn't want him to go home all pissed and shit and then left to drown in his sorrows by himself so I went with him to his place.
1 September 2009
I woke up in the afternoon and Sanjeev was still sleeping. I had to meet Lidia that day so again, I left him in bed.
Met Lidia at Plaza Singapura and had lunch at Pasta Mania.

After lunch, Lidia finally got the courage and was influenced by me a lot to go for threading. So we headed down to Little India and she had her upper lip done. She said it was very painful but for me it was nothing. LOL!
We headed down to Vivo to watch a movie. All the great movies were M18, fuck, so we settled for Orphan. Sanjeev said that it's a stupid show and told me not to watch it but since he watched it without me, I still wanted to watch it and Lidia already watched it but she wanted to watch it again.
During the movie, she told me beforehand the parts that were coming up and because she already knew the movie she can predict the times where something freaky was going to happen so she covered her eyes and when I see that I get paranoid and start covering my eyes too...
The movie was freaky, like in a sick way but overall, still leaves your heart pumping fast.
We bought a drink from Starbucks then went to the rooftop to camwhore. What to do?

Ate dinner at Carls' Jr. and we saw a damn hot angmoh guy! He's like damn hot, square body, sexy smile everything but he was short. Sad case. Only slightly taller than me. Damn. He even had an eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow and the stud was a blue metallic ball stud, just like Sanjeev's. HAHAHA!
Then we headed to River Island, into Forever 21 where we saw a nice maxi-dress that costs $53 (hint hint)
and lastly, Topshop.
After that, home sweet home.
2 September 2009
Sanjeev actually went to school. Amazing! But we were late by a few minutes thanks to the bus. So in the queue for booking, Sanjeev walked out of school with Rohit and Rueban and ditched me in school. He said that he can't see me because I wasn't in his sight range but he even pushed me aside. BASKET!
Anyway, it was a short day so like whatever and detention was canceled because there was too many people late.
Soleha had suspension so after school I accompanied her.
Once Soleha signed out, we left and Rohit, Sanjeev, Soleha and I went to "break fast" (well for Soleha it was really break fast) at KFC.
Then I went back to Sanjeev's place. Was too tired to study for the geography test the next day so we slept pretty early.
3 September 2009
We woke up late, but we still went to school. At Jurong we took a cab and we were still late for school so Sanjeev just dropped me off then he went over to his cousin's house. Slept there...
For the entire day I was as tired as hell. I took every opportunity I could to sleep and at the end of the day I served detention with Jamie. Sanjeev came to school (when it ended) just to play chess. He played against Justin and Rohit played against Jeremiah.
Soleha went home first because she needed to break fast with her family.
Jamie took the bus home so Rohit, Sanjeev and I walked to Bukit Batok. Sanjeev went back to his cousin's house at Lakeside and Rohit went to City Hall. I went home, alone.
Reached home, didn't do any school work. Edited all my pictures! Finally. Slept early too.
Today, 4 September 2009
I woke up at 7AM! Rushed and took a cab to school. Damn, how to save money like that?! The cab cost was $26.40.
Malay and MOB were quite slacked. Didn't do much but our own work for both lessons.
After school, I went to eat lunch with Rou Urn, Summer and Jamie at MOS Burger. There was a group of Ahlians at the next table and they were damn noisy. Such a shame to women these kinds of girls. Horrible!
Annoying secondary school girls.
So today I won't be doing anything in the weekend, although there is class chalet but I don't want to stay over so I'll just go tomorrow for the BBQ. Tonight I have time for myself so I'm going to upload the pictures then paint my nails (:
Like YAY!
So here's my super overdue stories.
23 August 2009
It was a boring day. Nothing much happened. I completed Geography tutorial 9 then went back to sleep in the afternoon.
After the sleep I felt super lethargic and kept sleeping for the entire day. I'm such a pig. And the best part came when it rained! Oh, how not to sleep?
At night I talked to Lidia and Rachel online then watched Who's Line Is It Anyway and went off to bed, again. Major pigness!
24 August 2009
I paid attention for every lesson except GP. I don't know why, sitting next to Rueban is a major distraction, he always has awesome stories to tell.
I didn't complete my MOB tutorial 9 so I got scolding for that and until now I still haven't done it. Must do it for holidays.
During Geography lecture I got so distracted by Soleha that I took all my stuff then sat in the front row away from that woman! Oh goodness. Trying to listen to the formation of Karsts and then there you have next to you a woman who I think went mental because she was fasting or something. HAHAHA! But I still love that girl.
For PE we did a stupid dance and each class had to incorporate their own moves. My class was so retarded and funny and all our dance moves were hilarious. We even have a class "teamwork" cheer and a class signature pose called, "Vogue".
Ryan completely pissed Mdm Cho off during Literature and that was the first time she really burst out at the entire class. Seriously, Ryan is becoming more than just a pain in the ass. He gives no substantial information and he constantly rejects all responsibility. Still dare to say that he is a good Christian?! I'm seriously sick and tired of him.
After Mdm Cho vented out all her anger, I felt really bad. She was so pissed that she even tore up the unseen poem we were doing together. She tore her paper and threw the pieces on the ground. Like honestly tell me, can you figure out how pissed she was?
25 August 2009
Was distracted the whole day with my own thoughts and couldn't absorb much in school. Must have been too tired with everything.
After school I went straight home on 506.
In school God was great. He seriously gave me all the signs that I needed. In the canteen I suddenly noticed posters and they said, "Persevere", "A New Chapter", "Make A Difference".
Complete trust in God, I have.
26 August 2009
Was late for school but I walked into school with Melvin. That funny fellow. As I was walking into school through the main gate, I received a text message from Sanjeev asking if I went to school today even though I'm late. And he said that if I didn't go to school to go down to his place and slack for the whole day.
But you know me, I'm addicted to school. I'll feel guilty if I don't go. Furthermore with the exams coming right at me at top speed.
I had my Malay Oral and I was the first person in my entire class to do it. Damn. Totally screwed it up I can say. Spoke a lot of English and even asked my teacher to translate for me English into Malay.
After school, I accompanied Joel to Serangoon to cut his hair. And I had a serious bimbo moment. $20 divided by 2=10 and I thought that with $20 I could buy 20 packets of chicken rice. Joel and I laughed our brains out at the back of the bus over that.
In the evening, Sanjeev called me to release all his panic. The night before he went out with the guys and drank which was a never-mind-thing for me. The next day he went to cut his hair. He told the barber to cut a Mohawk which was a regular thing for him. But this time, he fell asleep at the barber's chair and when he woke up, he seriously just had a Mohawk. Like those skinhead type of haircuts. So he said that his hair is ruined and asked me to go down to check it out.
When I went down, the Mohawk was really extraordinary!
I stayed overnight since it was already so late.
27 August 2009
Woke up at 9.40am after Jamie's phone call. I seriously overslept. I was late for school but I still went anyway and I left Sanjeev on the bed to sleep. Like in the movies. HAHAHA!
I went home first to freshen up and change into my uniform then I took the train to school.
I reached school in time for break and since my break was 2 hours long, I slacked and then since Rueban and Bjorn weren't going for their next class I decided to skip Math and headed to the Library with Rueban, Bjorn and Rohit.
While in the Library, we talked a lot to the extent that the table behind the shelf tossed a paper ball at us with a note inside telling us to keep quiet cause they were trying to study (which seemed like shit because they too were talking a lot). Anyway, I wrote the word "Sorry" and asked Bjorn to toss it back over the shelf and he threw it, it hit the shelf and fell back to our side. Rohit tried and it also fell back to our side. Rueban tried, also failed! In the end, I got fed up I just walked over to their table and said sorry. When they left I tried tossing the paper ball over the shelf and I succeeded. Boys suck at throwing..
Went for Geography lesson and we played with sand. So nonsense actually. But it was interesting.
After school, Soleha stayed back with me to go through with me the things I missed for Literature in the morning.
At 6.45pm we walked over to the hawker because Soleha needed to break fast and I accompanied her. I can bet that everyone thought I was the one who needed to break fast and Soleha was the one accompanying me when it was the other way around. I don't like the fasting period, people will stare at me as if I'm some horrible muslim who didn't fast but I'm not even a muslim and I'm not a Malay!
28 August 2009
My period came so I didn't go to school. Felt guilty though but what to do? In the evening I felt bored and restless so I asked Sarah whether she was free and she said yes so we decided to meet up for dinner and slacking.
Sarah was already reaching Pasir Ris and I was about to leave when my dad said that I can't go out. WTF?! I didn't care, totally defied him and walked out of the house to meet Sarah. I'm not the kind of friend who backs out at the last minute especially when my friend has already arrived at the destination. My dad was completely unreasonable and mental that night.
I met Sarah at Pasir Ris and we headed down to Ehub. We ate Superdog for dinner then headed down to Pasir Ris beach to slack. Then when it was getting late, we went back to Downtown East and bought snacks and headed to some secluded corner and sat there to eat.
Pictures are on facebook but here are some pictures.
29 August 2009
At 5 in the morning Sanjeev called me, (I bet he was high) to talk. Such an odd timing to do so. But sweet la even if he had to wake me up for it. HAHAHA.
Talked for 2 hours or more and he had to sleep because once the sun rises he can't sleep. Like a freaking vampire you know.
We came to the conclusion that we both love chocolate syrup.
I had to get up anyways to get ready for flag day with my cell. As I was walking to Bugis MRT, I bumped into one of my highness and he asked me to donate. I told him that I was doing the same thing and then he smiled at me and let me off. OMG, like actually said words to him. GASP.
Thank God I'm not allergic to it. But I pulled out the sting from my thigh and then the burning sensation came and it became swollen. Shinuan, Panda and Abigail went back to Marine Parade with me. Abigail took the bus to Bedok.
The polyclinic was closed so I couldn't see a doctor and a private doctor would cost me more than $40 and I might get an injection. So no thanks. After a day, the swelling went away but up till now, that spot itches at random times. So weird right? I know.
30 August 2009
Actually managed to wake up the next day and went to church after a few months of going missing. LOL. Saw highness! And Reuben is in the army now.. Oh yeah. HAHAHA. All bald.
After service, went with the cell and Kelvin to Eighteen Chefs at East Point to have lunch. The food's good and we had a fun time having the whole cell together. But Prisia wasn't there because she had a knee surgery.
Suddenly, under one block, everything went extremely quiet which was already starting to freak me out and then I felt something touch the small of my back. I jumped and had the shock of my life when I heard the words, "Excuse me". Please la! 7th Month Ghost Festival and all that happening to me, like Dead Silence.
Turns out it was some Malay guy. And he said, "Can I get to know you?"
WTF?! "Er, no. I'm actually on my way to meet my boyfriend"
"Oh, you have a boyfriend?"
"Okay. Never mind then. Thanks and sorry"
Then he walked away all dejected and sorrowful.
Seriously, I have to give Malay dude props. They are actually the only brave souls to approach random girls. They seriously have high self esteem. Don't mind getting rejected and shit.
In the evening, went to play pool at Tampines Safra with Sanjeev, Bryan, Hao Jie and Rachel. Yes, like finally, Rachel met Sanjeev and Bryan. Before pool we ate at Simpang for dinner.
Rachel and I actually played a game of pool on our own! :D And I won. HAHAHAHA! (So hao lian) Rachel had to go home at 11pm so I sent her out and accompanied her to wait for a cab. Then I went back in and the 3 of us went back to Sanjeev's house at 12am. Mervyn and Sarah came over.
Mervyn and Sanjeev played PS2 till 5 in the morning. Typical.
Bryan, Sarah and I talked and joked amongst ourselves and did retarded things. Especially Sarah and me. Bryan just sat there and shook his head. As usual! Hao Jie like a pig slept. ROFL.
(Pictures of pool are with Sanjeev cuz my camera ran out of batteries so we used his camera)
31 August 2009
Woke up late and then headed back home to get my uniform. Since it was already late, didn't bother going to school. Grabbed an extra set of clothes then headed down to Sanjeev's place where I went back to sleep.
In the afternoon, Sanjeev had to go back to his secondary school to see his old friends and teachers for teacher's day celebrations. I didn't bother going back to GM. But I left too and I met Rachel, Huien, Melody, Lidia, Raquel, Jiamin, Tania, Kenneth and Richard at City Link.
Tania, Kenneth and Richard went to eat. So the rest of us walked around city hall then came to the conclusion of wanting to go to Spinelli's. Lidia left first to meet her Tommy.
We went to Spinelli's at Orchard Central and I shared the potato salad with Rachel. Their tea isn't bad. Quite nice actually. We played cards and a lot of screaming occurred as usual.
At 6pm I went home and I reached home at 7pm. As I just got on the computer and already changed into my home clothes, Sanjeev called and asked me to go down to George's with the rest. So I got off the com and got ready then went down to the place. Asri, Boo, Bryan, Sarah and Mervyn were there too. Bryan was so tired. Could tell and he wanted to sleep but coming the end of the entire thing he seemed awake. HAHA.
Sanjeev went to get an MC for that day and his dad called him to go home. He was annoyed and irritated by it because it was only 10.30pm. So I didn't want him to go home all pissed and shit and then left to drown in his sorrows by himself so I went with him to his place.
1 September 2009
I woke up in the afternoon and Sanjeev was still sleeping. I had to meet Lidia that day so again, I left him in bed.
Met Lidia at Plaza Singapura and had lunch at Pasta Mania.
We headed down to Vivo to watch a movie. All the great movies were M18, fuck, so we settled for Orphan. Sanjeev said that it's a stupid show and told me not to watch it but since he watched it without me, I still wanted to watch it and Lidia already watched it but she wanted to watch it again.

The movie was freaky, like in a sick way but overall, still leaves your heart pumping fast.
We bought a drink from Starbucks then went to the rooftop to camwhore. What to do?
Then we headed to River Island, into Forever 21 where we saw a nice maxi-dress that costs $53 (hint hint)
After that, home sweet home.
2 September 2009
Sanjeev actually went to school. Amazing! But we were late by a few minutes thanks to the bus. So in the queue for booking, Sanjeev walked out of school with Rohit and Rueban and ditched me in school. He said that he can't see me because I wasn't in his sight range but he even pushed me aside. BASKET!
Anyway, it was a short day so like whatever and detention was canceled because there was too many people late.
Soleha had suspension so after school I accompanied her.
Once Soleha signed out, we left and Rohit, Sanjeev, Soleha and I went to "break fast" (well for Soleha it was really break fast) at KFC.
Then I went back to Sanjeev's place. Was too tired to study for the geography test the next day so we slept pretty early.
3 September 2009
We woke up late, but we still went to school. At Jurong we took a cab and we were still late for school so Sanjeev just dropped me off then he went over to his cousin's house. Slept there...
For the entire day I was as tired as hell. I took every opportunity I could to sleep and at the end of the day I served detention with Jamie. Sanjeev came to school (when it ended) just to play chess. He played against Justin and Rohit played against Jeremiah.
Soleha went home first because she needed to break fast with her family.
Jamie took the bus home so Rohit, Sanjeev and I walked to Bukit Batok. Sanjeev went back to his cousin's house at Lakeside and Rohit went to City Hall. I went home, alone.
Reached home, didn't do any school work. Edited all my pictures! Finally. Slept early too.
Today, 4 September 2009
I woke up at 7AM! Rushed and took a cab to school. Damn, how to save money like that?! The cab cost was $26.40.
Malay and MOB were quite slacked. Didn't do much but our own work for both lessons.
After school, I went to eat lunch with Rou Urn, Summer and Jamie at MOS Burger. There was a group of Ahlians at the next table and they were damn noisy. Such a shame to women these kinds of girls. Horrible!
Annoying secondary school girls.
So today I won't be doing anything in the weekend, although there is class chalet but I don't want to stay over so I'll just go tomorrow for the BBQ. Tonight I have time for myself so I'm going to upload the pictures then paint my nails (:
Like YAY!