A Moment of Rest
I'm back! Did you miss me? Of course you did. I mean, you'd probably come to my blog almost every day and realize that I haven't been blogging and your reaction would be "why hasn't she updated?!" and you leave me blog feeling as though you've not had your dose of daily entertainment, right?
Well, now I'm here to satisfy your need. Okay, that sounded wrong but you get my drift.
First of all, Kevin Jonas is getting married. Sorry ladies.
so sweet.
Won't you agree with me that his fiance looks a bit like Ashley Tisdale?
Anyways, wishing them all the best and hopefully even though he's married they won't stop being the Jonas Brothers.
Okay, back to me. HAHAHA! so thick-skinned.
The last time I blogged it was during the break period before my Literature paper. The paper was average. Hopefully my paper 5 will pull me up because I cannot fail Literature.
After the paper, I went over to Sanjeev's house. Sigh, the math paper really made us mentally exhausted. Well, at least to me it did.
We watched the tennis match and I read the NewPaper that uncle brought home. There was this story about a girl who had sex with her boyfriend then dunno what and he was reported to the police and they still continued having sex, ah, I didn't finish reading it because I went to bathe. His toilet door is so problematic.
I went home around midnight because the next day I had Geog paper in the morning. Wasn't able to sleep long and I overslept. I woke up at 7am. Rushed and managed to leave home at 7.30am and luckily I reached school at 8.25am. Just in time for paper at 8.30am. Thank God.
The paper ends at 10am and Rueban, Vienna and I went to Macs at Bukit Batok. Dharnia came after her history paper. We all had lunch then Vienna and Dharnia left. Me and Rueban slacked for a while then we went to Dover because I was waiting for Sanjeev and Rueban needed to meet his friend there. So we went down to Dover and I went back to Jurong to meet Sanjeev.
So, Sanjeev and I went to Simei. He ate a huge plate of grilled meat, I had the worst tasting Teh Ping. Goodness. Remind me not to drink that at Banquet okay.
Then we over to his place again.
We were supposed to meet up with Bryan so I went home early to get ready but on my way home Sanjeev called and said that it's canceled. Never mind! I went home and managed to watch my Criminal Minds (:
Sarah called to ask me whether I'll be joining them to go watch Ice Age 3 the next day and I said yes. I mean, it's Ice Age 3 in 3D. How not to go?!
On Friday, I woke up at about 3pm? Went online, got to facebook and finally uploaded the overdue pictures of me, Lidia and Rachel that we took at Lidia's house using my camera. While I was uploading the pics, Sanjeev called to ask me whether I'll be joining them at Simpang before the movie. I called Sarah to ask her down also and so I went down at 8.30-ish.
The people at Simpang were Bryan, Asri, Boo, Amelia, Sarah, Hao Jie, Sanjeev and Albert. Albert's so innocent looking. And he doesn't think that Megan Fox is hot. He prefers Angelina Jolie. Something's very wrong with that boy. Even I would go for Megan Fox! Then like majority of the Bedok South kids were at Simpang, dunno why. So, after dinner, they wanted to go play Lan nearby but there was something about being a member if not cannot play and stuff like that. So we walked to the playground nearby and the boys played cards. We all climbed this hut looking thing thinking that it'll be cooler at the top and it wasn't.
Anyway, there were many funny incidents at that place.
At about 10.55pm me, Sarah and Amelia started walking away because the movie's at 11.40 and we were still there at such a time. We knew that if we called the boys, they won't walk so we just walked off and true enough after some time they walked after us. Hao Jie walked first and so there were a group of banglas sitting near the bush drinking so it was freaky right? Amelia, Sarah & I asked Hao Jie to walk super slow next to us. HAHAH!
Then Albert ar.. walk can't see properly then kicked the bottles of beer. And he ran as far away from the banglas as he could after putting the bottles properly. LOL!
Boo and Albert didn't join us for the movie. The rest of us took 10 to Tampines. Turns out all the boys like Sweet Popcorn except Asri and Mervyn. All the girls like salted popcorn.
Sanjeev chose to mix both sweet and salted. Fine, I like Salted he likes Sweet. So he ate the sweet popcorn and dug to the bottom of the box to get salted popcorn for me. So sweet.
Then he said, "ok, no more sweet popcorn" I took a popcorn, licked it.. sweet! Gave it to Sanjeev. Took another one, licked it.. sweet! Gave it to Sanjeev. Did that a couple of times then I got fed up. "It's all sweet!" He took a popcorn and said, "This one's salted". That's the problem when you mix. The person who wants salted will always get the sweet ones and the one who eats sweet ones will get salted. He placed the box of popcorn on the arm rest in between us. Then dunno what he did, he knocked the arm rest and the entire box of popcorn fell on my lap. Thanks. I brushed it all to the floor and found out that the popcorn that fell on my lap were all salted. Sigh..
Sanjeev was so cute you know, kept apologizing profusely for spilling the popcorn on me. "My bad!" He asked me if that happened on our first date what would I do. I'll go, strike one. Third strike you're out!
The movie was good. So adorable the characters! The baby elephant was so cute with her huge eyes and adorable actions. The baby t-rex were also adorable! Especially the way they imitate Sid.
After the movie, we all walked down the street to Mr Teh Tarik and we had supper. Sanjeev and Asri walked ahead and they walked damn fast! They were seriously almost out of sight every time they turned a corner.
So all of us ate except for Amelia. Asri ordered sup tulang but it never came and he ate Mervyn's left over mee goreng. Sarah wanted to dump her leftovers to him too! hahaha.
Asri, Hao Jie, Bryan and Amelia went home. Mervyn went over to Sarah's place and I went over to Sanjeev's place. Everyone was sleeping. Hmm..
The moment we got to his house, the fatigue got to me and I just wanted to sleep. "No, no! Don't sleep! Please!" was Sanjeev's reaction.
"Later it'll be very boring!"
Fine, so I got up and accompanied him to download some things into his com and he transfered Step Brothers into his phone. It took us, I swear, almost 10 minutes to look for it in his phone. Cuz he couldn't remember which file he saved it into.
Finally, we went to his room. Did some bonding time and the next thing I knew I fell asleep. Woke up at about 2pm then I remembered that I was supposed to meet Rachel. Shit! Sorry darling. We'll meet another day.
An on-off sleeping pattern till about 4 plus. Wah, that Sanjeev ar. Complain about Lithia taking his sleeping space. Speak for yourself Sanjeev!
I said, "Nice right, sleeping with me? I keep to my own space"
"Yeah! You don't move a lot and you stick to your side of the bed throughout the night. Me too right?"
"You!? The reason I was cramped on the edge of the bed with my head under your table is because of you!"
We watched The Shinjuku Incident. So sad that story. Especially that innocent guy who's so timid. He never does anything wrong, it's just that he's the perfect case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I took a bathe after I woke up and wah, it's time to change that toilet door. I almost got locked in the toilet because of the malfunction.
Had what was supposed to be dinner and I cooked egg for Sanjeev! In my blind state because I threw away my contacts. It's been a month anyways.
Sarah and Mervyn came over while auntie went to NTUC. So Sarah & I took care of Shervan while the boys played soccer. Auntie came back and Sarah & I stayed in the room with the boys and we talked, did funny things and talked again. As we always do. At about 9, daddy called telling me to come home by 10pm. WTH?! Screw it. I didn't bother.
At 10pm we left for Katong to meet Bryan, Asri, Boo, Adam, Hao Jie and Sophian (sp?). We went down, hungry and with nothing to eat.
The rest played Counter Strike and Adam, Sarah, Sanjeev, Mervyn and I went to the pool place. After they finished playing Lan, they came over to the pool place and we all played pool.
Sarah & I were taught how to play. I couldn't see! So couldn't estimate the distance. But it's ok. Yeah, pool's not that bad.
But I'll say that 9 ball pool is easier to grasp.
After pool, everyone but Adam, Hao Jie and Sophian (sp?) went for supper. This was already at about 1am?
After supper we walked to under some block and played cards. Sarah & I were getting sleepy. 4am we went home. Boo walked back, Mervyn and Bryan took a cab back and Sarah, Sanjeev & I took another cab. Yes, I had to go back to Sanjeev's place because I knew that my house door would be locked already.
At 7.30am I went home and reached home at 7.45. Was supposed to text Sanjeev the moment I got home but since my dad was awake and in the kitchen I quickly snuck in and immediately slept so that he won't scold me. When I woke up, he was out and when he came back he didn't mention a thing. So that's good. I think he was in a good mood.
Watched War of the Worlds. And the ambiance was so suitable. It was raining pretty heavily and the weather was cooling with a little lightning and we all know that in War of the Worlds lighting strikes were the aliens coming down to earth.
So now, I should seriously start studying for Tess because my paper's this Wednesday and after paper I need to go to KK for doctor's appointment. Sigh. Sanjeev would have paper at that time so he can't accompany me ):
Oh wells.
Well, now I'm here to satisfy your need. Okay, that sounded wrong but you get my drift.
First of all, Kevin Jonas is getting married. Sorry ladies.

Won't you agree with me that his fiance looks a bit like Ashley Tisdale?
Anyways, wishing them all the best and hopefully even though he's married they won't stop being the Jonas Brothers.
Okay, back to me. HAHAHA! so thick-skinned.
The last time I blogged it was during the break period before my Literature paper. The paper was average. Hopefully my paper 5 will pull me up because I cannot fail Literature.
After the paper, I went over to Sanjeev's house. Sigh, the math paper really made us mentally exhausted. Well, at least to me it did.
We watched the tennis match and I read the NewPaper that uncle brought home. There was this story about a girl who had sex with her boyfriend then dunno what and he was reported to the police and they still continued having sex, ah, I didn't finish reading it because I went to bathe. His toilet door is so problematic.
I went home around midnight because the next day I had Geog paper in the morning. Wasn't able to sleep long and I overslept. I woke up at 7am. Rushed and managed to leave home at 7.30am and luckily I reached school at 8.25am. Just in time for paper at 8.30am. Thank God.
The paper ends at 10am and Rueban, Vienna and I went to Macs at Bukit Batok. Dharnia came after her history paper. We all had lunch then Vienna and Dharnia left. Me and Rueban slacked for a while then we went to Dover because I was waiting for Sanjeev and Rueban needed to meet his friend there. So we went down to Dover and I went back to Jurong to meet Sanjeev.
So, Sanjeev and I went to Simei. He ate a huge plate of grilled meat, I had the worst tasting Teh Ping. Goodness. Remind me not to drink that at Banquet okay.
Then we over to his place again.
We were supposed to meet up with Bryan so I went home early to get ready but on my way home Sanjeev called and said that it's canceled. Never mind! I went home and managed to watch my Criminal Minds (:
Sarah called to ask me whether I'll be joining them to go watch Ice Age 3 the next day and I said yes. I mean, it's Ice Age 3 in 3D. How not to go?!
On Friday, I woke up at about 3pm? Went online, got to facebook and finally uploaded the overdue pictures of me, Lidia and Rachel that we took at Lidia's house using my camera. While I was uploading the pics, Sanjeev called to ask me whether I'll be joining them at Simpang before the movie. I called Sarah to ask her down also and so I went down at 8.30-ish.
The people at Simpang were Bryan, Asri, Boo, Amelia, Sarah, Hao Jie, Sanjeev and Albert. Albert's so innocent looking. And he doesn't think that Megan Fox is hot. He prefers Angelina Jolie. Something's very wrong with that boy. Even I would go for Megan Fox! Then like majority of the Bedok South kids were at Simpang, dunno why. So, after dinner, they wanted to go play Lan nearby but there was something about being a member if not cannot play and stuff like that. So we walked to the playground nearby and the boys played cards. We all climbed this hut looking thing thinking that it'll be cooler at the top and it wasn't.
Anyway, there were many funny incidents at that place.
At about 10.55pm me, Sarah and Amelia started walking away because the movie's at 11.40 and we were still there at such a time. We knew that if we called the boys, they won't walk so we just walked off and true enough after some time they walked after us. Hao Jie walked first and so there were a group of banglas sitting near the bush drinking so it was freaky right? Amelia, Sarah & I asked Hao Jie to walk super slow next to us. HAHAH!
Then Albert ar.. walk can't see properly then kicked the bottles of beer. And he ran as far away from the banglas as he could after putting the bottles properly. LOL!
Boo and Albert didn't join us for the movie. The rest of us took 10 to Tampines. Turns out all the boys like Sweet Popcorn except Asri and Mervyn. All the girls like salted popcorn.
Sanjeev chose to mix both sweet and salted. Fine, I like Salted he likes Sweet. So he ate the sweet popcorn and dug to the bottom of the box to get salted popcorn for me. So sweet.
Then he said, "ok, no more sweet popcorn" I took a popcorn, licked it.. sweet! Gave it to Sanjeev. Took another one, licked it.. sweet! Gave it to Sanjeev. Did that a couple of times then I got fed up. "It's all sweet!" He took a popcorn and said, "This one's salted". That's the problem when you mix. The person who wants salted will always get the sweet ones and the one who eats sweet ones will get salted. He placed the box of popcorn on the arm rest in between us. Then dunno what he did, he knocked the arm rest and the entire box of popcorn fell on my lap. Thanks. I brushed it all to the floor and found out that the popcorn that fell on my lap were all salted. Sigh..
Sanjeev was so cute you know, kept apologizing profusely for spilling the popcorn on me. "My bad!" He asked me if that happened on our first date what would I do. I'll go, strike one. Third strike you're out!
The movie was good. So adorable the characters! The baby elephant was so cute with her huge eyes and adorable actions. The baby t-rex were also adorable! Especially the way they imitate Sid.
After the movie, we all walked down the street to Mr Teh Tarik and we had supper. Sanjeev and Asri walked ahead and they walked damn fast! They were seriously almost out of sight every time they turned a corner.
So all of us ate except for Amelia. Asri ordered sup tulang but it never came and he ate Mervyn's left over mee goreng. Sarah wanted to dump her leftovers to him too! hahaha.
Asri, Hao Jie, Bryan and Amelia went home. Mervyn went over to Sarah's place and I went over to Sanjeev's place. Everyone was sleeping. Hmm..
The moment we got to his house, the fatigue got to me and I just wanted to sleep. "No, no! Don't sleep! Please!" was Sanjeev's reaction.
"Later it'll be very boring!"
Fine, so I got up and accompanied him to download some things into his com and he transfered Step Brothers into his phone. It took us, I swear, almost 10 minutes to look for it in his phone. Cuz he couldn't remember which file he saved it into.
Finally, we went to his room. Did some bonding time and the next thing I knew I fell asleep. Woke up at about 2pm then I remembered that I was supposed to meet Rachel. Shit! Sorry darling. We'll meet another day.
An on-off sleeping pattern till about 4 plus. Wah, that Sanjeev ar. Complain about Lithia taking his sleeping space. Speak for yourself Sanjeev!
I said, "Nice right, sleeping with me? I keep to my own space"
"Yeah! You don't move a lot and you stick to your side of the bed throughout the night. Me too right?"
"You!? The reason I was cramped on the edge of the bed with my head under your table is because of you!"
We watched The Shinjuku Incident. So sad that story. Especially that innocent guy who's so timid. He never does anything wrong, it's just that he's the perfect case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I took a bathe after I woke up and wah, it's time to change that toilet door. I almost got locked in the toilet because of the malfunction.
Had what was supposed to be dinner and I cooked egg for Sanjeev! In my blind state because I threw away my contacts. It's been a month anyways.
Sarah and Mervyn came over while auntie went to NTUC. So Sarah & I took care of Shervan while the boys played soccer. Auntie came back and Sarah & I stayed in the room with the boys and we talked, did funny things and talked again. As we always do. At about 9, daddy called telling me to come home by 10pm. WTH?! Screw it. I didn't bother.
At 10pm we left for Katong to meet Bryan, Asri, Boo, Adam, Hao Jie and Sophian (sp?). We went down, hungry and with nothing to eat.
The rest played Counter Strike and Adam, Sarah, Sanjeev, Mervyn and I went to the pool place. After they finished playing Lan, they came over to the pool place and we all played pool.
Sarah & I were taught how to play. I couldn't see! So couldn't estimate the distance. But it's ok. Yeah, pool's not that bad.
But I'll say that 9 ball pool is easier to grasp.
After pool, everyone but Adam, Hao Jie and Sophian (sp?) went for supper. This was already at about 1am?
After supper we walked to under some block and played cards. Sarah & I were getting sleepy. 4am we went home. Boo walked back, Mervyn and Bryan took a cab back and Sarah, Sanjeev & I took another cab. Yes, I had to go back to Sanjeev's place because I knew that my house door would be locked already.
At 7.30am I went home and reached home at 7.45. Was supposed to text Sanjeev the moment I got home but since my dad was awake and in the kitchen I quickly snuck in and immediately slept so that he won't scold me. When I woke up, he was out and when he came back he didn't mention a thing. So that's good. I think he was in a good mood.
Watched War of the Worlds. And the ambiance was so suitable. It was raining pretty heavily and the weather was cooling with a little lightning and we all know that in War of the Worlds lighting strikes were the aliens coming down to earth.
So now, I should seriously start studying for Tess because my paper's this Wednesday and after paper I need to go to KK for doctor's appointment. Sigh. Sanjeev would have paper at that time so he can't accompany me ):
Oh wells.