death could be upon me

Normally people would revise the notes from Topic 1 and work upwards right? Thankfully I read my notes from Topic 5 and worked my way downwards. Turns out the essay question was on Business Size and Growth which is Topic 5. Seriously praise the Lord!
I went home straight after the paper. I got home at like 1pm? Once I was well adjusted to my situation of being at home, Sanjeev replies my message and asks me to go over. But I haven't bought Auntie Vanessa anything for her birthday. So I lugged myself off the chair in front of my laptop and got ready to go to Parkway. I searched the entire mall for something to get Auntie Vanessa. Goodness, it was so difficult to get her something because I didn't know what she likes, what she doesn't like, the patterns or designs she likes etc. I wanted to get her something versitile and modern, something sweet and chic, something she can wear both during work and play. So I decided to get her jewellery.
I didn't know what design to get her if I chose to get her earings so I skipped that part and went to look at the necklaces. I saw like really nice silver necklaces which were so real which is so good. I like silver necklaces too. I looked at all the pedants and I didn't want something too bling but also not something too plain. So I decided on the butterfly pendant and silver chain. I didn't take a photo of it sorry. Maybe I can ask Sanjeev to take a photo of it then I'll show you guys. Either way, I liked the necklace and pendant very much but I was only afraid that auntie wouldn't like butterflies.
I went over to Sanjeev's house and his house was empty except for him and Cassilda. His dad called, we both know how that conversation was like,
Uncle: "Have you eaten?"
Sanjeev: "No"
"Go eat"
"I'm not hungry"
"Go eat"
"I'm not hungry"
"Go eat"
"I'm not hungry, I'll eat later ok??"
Finally his mom came home! Moment of truth people. I gave her the present and told her that it wasn't anything spectacular and that she shouldn't expect anything grand and when she took it out she was really delighted with it. Dunno whether she really likes the pendant or not but she seemed to love the chain. HAHAHA. Well, either way I'm glad she liked the present. Now the only problem is to think about what to get men for such ocassions.
Sanjeev played the guitar and honestly, he's getting better every time. Well, he better get better considering all the blood, sweat and tears. Literally.
I helped auntie fold Shervan's clothes and put them in the cupboard. Shervan's wardrobe is like a girl's wardrobe. He has the same outfit but in different colours and he's even got matching mittens and booties to go with them. It's adorable.
Anyways, after that we just slacked at the house and didn't do much. His dad came home and it was fun. Watched some really weird yet intruiging Chinese show and other shows on TV. Had Chicken curry for dinner. OMG, the curry although it wasn't spicy was the sex man! Lidia I'm learning from you.
Auntie's cooking is honestly very good and I asked her to take me under her wing and teach me how to cook Indian food and every other food for that matter. And I'm very honoured that Auntie trusts me enough to cook with her. I mean, if it were me, the kitchen would be my safe haven and a place where only if I've trusted my son's girlfriend enough would I let her cook with me. And on my first visit auntie already let me cook spaghetti with her. Feel so loved! :D
So, I went home at like about 4am. Had a very mind-cracking conversation with Sanjeev before I left which made us think a lot. And Sanjeev said that after that one, he won't go meet Dunhill and friends anymore. I'm proud of him but even if he did decide to continue meeting Dunhill and friends it's his choice and I'm only here to support him no matter what. I know he'll do the same for me.
I was in the cab talking to him on the phone when I realised I didn't have enough money for the fare. Shit right? I know. But in the end, the taxi driver let me off with a few dollars short. Then I go up and I find out that I got locked out of my house! What the hell? So I had to call my dad and get all the scolding and shouting for coming home late blablabla (what's new).
The next day, I had Malay paper.
Met Sanjeev at Eunos station and was late cuz I thought he was going to be late and in the end we were both late for our mother tongue paper. Oh well. It didn't make much of a difference actually. He wrote 1/4 page for compo, dunno whether he did paper 2 or not and I just took my own sweet bored time to finish my paper. Ok, secret confession, while I was writing my Malay compo, I think I got so bored that suddenly porn popped into my head. Like WTF right?! Then I was thinking of the porn in Malay.. nvm, shan't continue anymore. Too rated. HAHAHA!
Peyton's retarded. That's what happens when you're bored to death.
After the paper, I slacked in school and talked to Joel. Haven't done that in a long time. Only chat with him online but it's good to speak to him face to face. Lets me remember that actually his voice is low and not high pitched like how I imagine it to be whenever we talk online.
So manly right Joel?
Then, Sanjeev, Joel and I went to Mac'd and had dinner together. He had to run because his mom was calling him. And the most amazing thing about Joel is that before Sanjeev even looked at his burger, Joel's finished eating his Big Mac! OMG. I just got halfway to my burger and Joel's finished his entire meal. Good Lord. That boy's an eating machine. And he eats with only one hand and throughout the entire meal, his left arm didn't move it's position at all!
As we finished dinner, Sanjeev and I went to West Mall and checked out the movie timings. And we watched Ghost of Girlfriends' Past.

In the train home, there was this Malay girl (that would be my guess, I could be wrong) and she constantly stared at Sanjeev. Not that I'm jealous, why should I be. I even told Sanjeev that she was checking him out and we both looked at the girl. She's not very discrete about it. I guess she's inexperienced at secretly glancing at guys. Poor girl. I should have taught her.
Be the flame, not the moth.
Sanjeev told me that it was quite awkward cuz normally he'll check out girls checking him out with his guy friends but I like to check out guys and girls who check whoever out. I seriously think that all those years of hanging out with dudes has turned me into the perfect man, in a way. If I were a boy...
Got home, bathed, watched CSI & Without A Trace. A bit of Fight Science and ET then Sanjeev called me. We talked till like 3am and I knocked out to the extent that I couldn't even hear the alarm clock ring. I woke up because Sanjeev called to wake me when it was supposed to be the other way around.
Met up with him and the two of us were late for Math paper. It's the traffic jam's fault. Dunno what the hell was happening on the road but although it was raining, we couldn't take it anymore that the two of us got out and walked in the rain to school. The hall is freezing..
I sat down, got the question paper for Math, looked at the first question and knew that my world ended right then and there. I looked through all the questions and I knew none of them. I took about 6 pieces of paper, wrote one question number on each page then I tied them all together with the cover page. Yes, you read right, I submitted a completely blank answer script.
Hey, I'm helping the markers here. I know that they've got like hundreds of papers to mark and letting them automatically giving me a zero would help them a lot. Besides, it's not really a losing situation for me. I expect to get a zero for it. If I get a 1 I'll be very proud of myself.
Of course I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to do it but hey, now I won't be completely crushed that I failed math. DUH, what's new in this world right?
So now, I'm in the library with Soleha, Rohit and Hafiz and Sanjeev went out to eat or something I don't know.
Waiting for 1pm for my Literature paper 1. I've not read the book at all but I'm gonna give it my best.
Later I'll be going over to Sanjeev's house (:
I told you I painted my nails right? Here they are:
okay, you might think, why is it blur. It's the only way to make sure that the colour is seen as it's painted. If it was clear it'll look like pinkish and shit. Besides, I'm sure you won't be able to take this kind of photos. Where the background is totally clear and the main focus point is blur.
ok, I'm late for Lit Paper. Bye! Cya later.

ok, I'm late for Lit Paper. Bye! Cya later.