Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice

Oh how I've missed them so.
They've not changed much. Lidia is still bimbotic as ever, I love you girl! Rachel is still the complicated her but now she's more concerned about her appearance. Well, she needs to considering that she's single and ready to mingle now.
So, the day started with me meeting Rachel at Eunos station at 2pm and we headed down to Kovan. We went to Heartland Mall and bought my pen refills. Hey, exams are coming so I've gotta be prepared.
We met Lidia's maid at Kovan control station then we headed through the never-ending uphill walk to her house. Oh Lord! The next time we go to her house, I'd rather spend $4 taking a cab than walking under the hot sun going to Lowland Rd when it's uphill! Irony..
I thought her street was Candilands Rd but it's Sandilands Rd. HAHAHA!
Lidia and Rachel were supposed to do some work since they've got E-Learning because RP has a lot of H1N1 cases! And I brought my MOB to study too but in the end, we didn't do anything.
Except of course cam-whore! Come on, I've not seen these girls for almost 5 months and it's only natural that we take as many photos as we can.
Oh, today we found out that Kenneth Tho, our sec 4 classmate, has H1N1! He's quarantined at home. Poor thing.
& we all know Michael Jackson died. So sad.
We gossiped too. Naturally. Talked about some people and cam-whored some more. Had Maggie Mee for dinner. Rachel can't cook, like seriously. I'm not letting her help me cook one day. I'll just slave away and ask her to eat since I know she's like a bottomless pit and can eat everything and never grow fat. Sounds like Sanjeev!
After dinner we started painting our nails. HAHA. Typical.
All the bimbo moments came out. So fun! :D
Today we met up for lunch. Had Macs. Walked around, I bought nail polish from The Face Shop. They tried on some clothes at Cotton On and then we went to Cotton On Body. I'm so going to buy that bra I tell you. So nice.
Lidia had to go off cuz she was going to meet Tommy, her boyfriend, all the way at his school which is TP.
So Rachel & I didn't know where else to go so I said, "we'll go to my house and figure something out."
On the way to my place, in the bus Rachel said that she and Lidia were discussing and concluded that I looked Radiant. I got freaking shocked. I mean, normally girls/women who are described to look "radiant" are pregnant. She freaked me out! And she said, "no, radiantly in love." Ohhh..
In the end, we googled threading places and our butts never left the seats.
Her dad came not too long ago to fetch her off for dinner and I've finished painting my toe nails. I had bacon sandwich for dinner :D I've been craving bacon for so long.
I'm going to paint my fingernails once I've finished blogging.
My french manicures chipped off! :( So now I'm just going to paint a quite nude color to replace it. Not nice to have a nice shape and no color.
So, here's some cam-whoring photos:
Rachel, Lidia and me.

I'm the Spice if you were wondering. Lidia's 'Sugar' and Rachel's 'Everything Nice'.
There's like 100 over pics. Had a great time with them. Missed them, really.
Sanjeev, you've got to meet them soon. They want to meet you and of course Shervan. HAHAHAHA!
I Love You Girls!
Super cute animation: