Maybe we're friends,
Maybe we're more,
Maybe it's just my imagination.
But I see you stare just a little too long,
and it makes me start to wonder.
So baby call me crazy,
but I think you feel it too,
Maybe I, Maybe I,
Just gotta get next to you.
Today was a shitass day.
First of all, I give up on math. Once again.
Friday, I wished I bitch-slapped somebody. But I didn't.
Because I'm such a nice person. That's my flaw.. I'm such a nice person.
Abt 55% (quote, unquote) of people knows about the incident.
Then I went on a hopeless shopping trip with Sheqal.
He wanted to buy a bag but to no avail. In the end we bought socks & his rugby boots.
While walking to Peninsular Plaza, I bumped into Shahrul Nizam. OMG! He's totally different now. He's so much more tame..
After buying the boots, rushed to work.
Saturday I worked at Suntec from 12-6 then Marina Square 6-1.
Overtime pay of 5 hours yo! Woots.
Sunday went to church.
Thank God that I managed to stay awake then we had cell.
After cell I went to meet Sheqal at Bugis junction to go shopping again.
We bought my new Converse shoes.
(no pic yet)
I chopped off my chin length bangs. Felt so bald after the dude chopped it off ok!
Oh well.
Then had to go to work.
Today, I woke up late!
however, managed to get to school on time :D
I'm seriously pissed with my school. Which idiot school has PE at 2.45pm when the sun is at it's hottest?!
and the worst thing is that the teachers didn't allow us to sit in the shade and drink water and we were forced to stay in the blistering, scorching, heat-radiating sun! I totally couldn't take it.
I seriously had heat stroke.
I felt like vomiting, I felt like fainting, I felt like my head was so heavy and I just felt like I wanted to DIE.
MOE! I hope you're reading this! Millennia Institute tortures the students by making them have physical education in the scorching 2.45pm hot sun!
Thank God for awesome people from my class!
After school I met CYY.
We went to order my contacts and make his glasses at MING OPTIQUES. It's near Parkway Hawker.
Once that was done, we went to Swensen's to eat because I wanted to eat the Grilled Fish with Shanghai Spicy Pepper Noodles.

are you salivating?
I missed Desperate Housewives Season 5, Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy just to attempt mathematic questions that I can't do and so I wasted my time trying to do these retarded math questions when I could have used this time to watch all my shows.
Rosemarie dropped a ginormous bombshell on me today when she told me that she reapplied for an appeal into Poly for NURSING.
Good God.
People transfered from poly into MI (hint hint to SEXAY) and she wants to transfer TO poly FROM MI.
what logic is that?!
Do you ever think when you're all alone,
All that we could be,
Where this thing could go?
Am I crazy of fallin' in love,
Is it really just another crush?
Do you catch your breath when I look at you,
Are you holding back, like the way I do?
Cuz I've tried and tried to walk away,
But I know this crush ain't going away...
Maybe we're more,
Maybe it's just my imagination.
But I see you stare just a little too long,
and it makes me start to wonder.
So baby call me crazy,
but I think you feel it too,
Maybe I, Maybe I,
Just gotta get next to you.
Today was a shitass day.
First of all, I give up on math. Once again.
Friday, I wished I bitch-slapped somebody. But I didn't.
Because I'm such a nice person. That's my flaw.. I'm such a nice person.
Abt 55% (quote, unquote) of people knows about the incident.
Then I went on a hopeless shopping trip with Sheqal.
He wanted to buy a bag but to no avail. In the end we bought socks & his rugby boots.
While walking to Peninsular Plaza, I bumped into Shahrul Nizam. OMG! He's totally different now. He's so much more tame..
After buying the boots, rushed to work.
Saturday I worked at Suntec from 12-6 then Marina Square 6-1.
Overtime pay of 5 hours yo! Woots.
Sunday went to church.
Thank God that I managed to stay awake then we had cell.
After cell I went to meet Sheqal at Bugis junction to go shopping again.
We bought my new Converse shoes.
(no pic yet)
I chopped off my chin length bangs. Felt so bald after the dude chopped it off ok!
Oh well.
Then had to go to work.
Today, I woke up late!
however, managed to get to school on time :D
I'm seriously pissed with my school. Which idiot school has PE at 2.45pm when the sun is at it's hottest?!
and the worst thing is that the teachers didn't allow us to sit in the shade and drink water and we were forced to stay in the blistering, scorching, heat-radiating sun! I totally couldn't take it.
I seriously had heat stroke.
I felt like vomiting, I felt like fainting, I felt like my head was so heavy and I just felt like I wanted to DIE.
MOE! I hope you're reading this! Millennia Institute tortures the students by making them have physical education in the scorching 2.45pm hot sun!
Thank God for awesome people from my class!
After school I met CYY.
We went to order my contacts and make his glasses at MING OPTIQUES. It's near Parkway Hawker.
Once that was done, we went to Swensen's to eat because I wanted to eat the Grilled Fish with Shanghai Spicy Pepper Noodles.
I missed Desperate Housewives Season 5, Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy just to attempt mathematic questions that I can't do and so I wasted my time trying to do these retarded math questions when I could have used this time to watch all my shows.
Rosemarie dropped a ginormous bombshell on me today when she told me that she reapplied for an appeal into Poly for NURSING.
Good God.
People transfered from poly into MI (hint hint to SEXAY) and she wants to transfer TO poly FROM MI.
what logic is that?!
Do you ever think when you're all alone,
All that we could be,
Where this thing could go?
Am I crazy of fallin' in love,
Is it really just another crush?
Do you catch your breath when I look at you,
Are you holding back, like the way I do?
Cuz I've tried and tried to walk away,
But I know this crush ain't going away...