I will survive!

I'm almost halfway there! It is almost over. A few more laps in the pool and I'll emerge the winner.
I can do it.

Tomorrow is math paper. I'm totally gonna get A for it.
Do you believe I can do it?!

I've been really tired these past few days. Its like my steam is running out. Please refill my petrol! Cannot, petrol too expensive. Diesel can?

Anyway, I just want to get this over and done with.
If I make it to JC next year, great but I don't know what subjects to take.
If I make it to my course in TP, Law & Management, I'll be singing songs of praise everyday!
If I fail and have no where to go, it's ok because I'm sure it's God's plan that I become an air stewardess. And if I do become an air stewardess, I'll be the best damn air stewardess the world has ever seen!

Mr/Mrs/Mdm/Dr Cambridge markers, please be nice and sweet and mark leniently because I think the paper has been really hard.. *gives puppy eyes*
I've been studying really hard! SO YOU BETTER PASS ME FOR MATH!
(but I want to go Harvard)


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