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yes, for who knows how long I've not blogged & now I'm blogging every day.
well, today nothing much happened. (that's what I always say)
During P.E we played Netball.
"Singapore" vs "Brazil" & guess who won?! BRAZIL. However... I was in Singapore team. -.-
Geog, boring.
Chemistry, not bad. Paid attention but not sure whether anything went in.
Lit, nothing special.
SS, dozed off but then managed to gain back consciousness at the end of the lesson.
When we came back from P.E, guess what Melody did?
She whipped out a miniature Singapore Flag & stuck it to her table!

during P.E, Joseph fell & totally injured his knee.

totally awesome right?
then during recess, I wanted to test the severity of the injury. So I went and poke the surrounding area of the wound & WHAM! his knee almost buckled under him.
Sorry Rabbit, just testing. At least we know there isn't any nerve damage. :D
& of course for doing that I got whacked by Rachel, scolded by Daniel & scolded by Jimmy.
NEVER MIND! When I have my ABF you people can't bully me anymore cuz if you bully me.. (Rachel pinching my butt all the time), my ABF will whack you then you know how I feel.. BLEH!
After school had New South Wales.
OMG.. so boring. & the clock was screwed & so TBL released us at 4 instead of 3.39pm. Fuck. & he was like being the usual annoying him.
IDL him man!
tmr something's happening... can't place my finger on it.. ;D
yes, for who knows how long I've not blogged & now I'm blogging every day.
well, today nothing much happened. (that's what I always say)
During P.E we played Netball.
"Singapore" vs "Brazil" & guess who won?! BRAZIL. However... I was in Singapore team. -.-
Geog, boring.
Chemistry, not bad. Paid attention but not sure whether anything went in.
Lit, nothing special.
SS, dozed off but then managed to gain back consciousness at the end of the lesson.
When we came back from P.E, guess what Melody did?
She whipped out a miniature Singapore Flag & stuck it to her table!
during P.E, Joseph fell & totally injured his knee.

totally awesome right?
then during recess, I wanted to test the severity of the injury. So I went and poke the surrounding area of the wound & WHAM! his knee almost buckled under him.
Sorry Rabbit, just testing. At least we know there isn't any nerve damage. :D
& of course for doing that I got whacked by Rachel, scolded by Daniel & scolded by Jimmy.
NEVER MIND! When I have my ABF you people can't bully me anymore cuz if you bully me.. (Rachel pinching my butt all the time), my ABF will whack you then you know how I feel.. BLEH!
After school had New South Wales.
OMG.. so boring. & the clock was screwed & so TBL released us at 4 instead of 3.39pm. Fuck. & he was like being the usual annoying him.
IDL him man!
tmr something's happening... can't place my finger on it.. ;D