Before I tell you about Kluang, I watched 8 Mile two days ago.
It's like Alpha Dog without the crack and the shoot-out. Still have the same F*** in every sentence they say.
yes, staring EMINEM.
In the morning my dad forced me up which I totally hate because I didn't have enough sleep & when I woke up my eyes were all puffy.
Got ready then we headed to the Singapore-Johor Taxi Services.
my dad, my uncle, my sam yi po & I cramped into this tiny taxi.
At first the ride was bearable but if you're stuck in the centre seat in the back row between two old people & having very limited space you start to get real uncomfortable & imagine having to sit in the same position for 4 hours!
Okay. At the customs, everything went fine until we reached the Malaysian Customs. Cuz my passport was 5 months before expiry date, I almost wasn't able to go out of the country but then of course thanks to some "nice" custom officers they let me pass :D
Irony: they had a poster in the office saying, "Serve With A Smile" but they all looked like they were the undead.
We were on our way to MALAYSIA!
We ate Johor Laksa.
it was really cheap. You convert it to Sing-Dollars it's only $1 smth & the bowl was huge!!
After brunch we continued our way through the never ending highway to Kluang.
Along the way I saw plantation that went on for miles! As far as the eye can see....

the journey seemed never ending & somehow I dozed off. I don't think I missed much since the scenery looked exactly the same when I woke up.
We passed the Toll Gates that signals the end of Johor.
There was highway toilets!
Once we reached Kluang it was around 12.30pm.
We went to eat.. again. Had Kluang Curry Mee at Gerai Makan Botak.
Direct translation means: Bald Food Stall.
After that we took the same cab & went to have Chendol.

it was real nice.
From the Chendol we took the same cab (meaning the same cab we took from Singapore) to my ng yi po's house.
I saw something really cute on the road.
so cute! the traffic light has a timer...
anyway, we went to my ng yi po's house.
this is her house. It's a nice big, old house. Quite vintage looking in the inside.
my ng yi po. Those who're not Cantonese, ng yi po means fifth grand-aunt.
my sam yi po, third grand-aunt.
I like her cuz she's not a grumpy old hag like my po, unfortunately...
anyways, the old people,
my uncle, my sam yi po & my dad talked with ng yi po & I don't really know her so I got bored & ended up talking to the maid. She's from Indonesia so we talked about stuff.
my aunt then came over with her daughter and their maid. Talked with the two maids and my cousin (Jae-Yenn).
My cousin's coming to singapore to study in SIM. So hopefully when she's here we can spend time together cuz we're not very close. But I think she'll spend more time with Amy, Lisa & Kelly Palmer since they're direct cousins.
Any-oh-how, Aunt Lian took me to roam about Kluang since she's got errands to do.
I found out how TINY the state is. Seriously!
All the roads are connected to each other and it only takes 10 minutes to reach everywhere.
Oh! Another thing about that place... there's NO public transport. I'm for real! Everyone there has their own car and there's no cab, public train and public buses! I'm not joking.
They have school buses for students & it was yellow in color! hahaha.
One more thing.. I'm in Malaysia, but I didn't see a single Malay. Everyone there was Chinese. :D
The roads aren't like the ones in Singapore.
Singapore roads are really well planned roads that have pedestrian walks at the side of the road. The roads there doesn't even have a curb. Their roads are basically asphalt poured over ground.
After we finished Aunt Lian's errands we went back to the house and that was around 4pm. We went to Honeyland to eat... AGAIN!

After Honeyland, we dropped of Yenn in "town" since she was going to meet her friends.
Their town is like the small streets of Geylang, where all the shophouses are clustered together... damn cute.
They have only one TINY theatre. Man, if I lived there I think I would just die! Imagine living with no MOVIES!!
After dropping her off Aunt Lian took us on a trip down memorylamelane. For daddy anyway...
I wasn't really fascinated with the places they used to live although it was real nice and all but I was more fascinated at how people survived living in the tiny state and what they do for fun and how to roads seem to be one big circle!
At 6 we went back to the house & since there was nothing for me to do, I walked around the estate. I walked one way and came back 15 minutes later to the house but ending from a different way.
Yes, I basically walked in a circle.
My ng yi po's house has a Chiku tree.
Her neighbour has a durian tree & a rambutan tree.

I saw a squirrel!!
Super cute :D
I walk a lonely road...
more like, I'M ON THE HIGHWAY TO HELL... (AC/DC)
Like what I always say, Live Life On The Edge.
Came back to the house at 6.30pm (from my walk).
Talked to daddy & Aunt Lian.
She said one day we'll go back to Indonesia & take back some of my mother's photos. I haven't been back home for 9 years...
At 7.10pm our (same) taxi came & it was time to go.
malaysian sunset. lol
Reached back in Singapore at 9.45pm & actually I wanted to take a cab home but my dad said no.... so I missed my SEASON FINALE OF SUPERNATURAL!!
& I realised that channel 5 cut a lot of House. Cuz clever me has already watched up to episode 11 when the TV has only showed up to episode 4.
I want to go to KL, Genting, Cameron Highlands, Mersing, Thailand, Kelantan, Melaka, Pahang..
This is only my second trip to malaysia.. YA! I've got a deprived childhood.
I've only been to Aceh, Sumatra, Tanjung Pinang, Palembang, Jakarta (I was born here), Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Kalimantan, New York, Boston, Washington D.C, London, Hong Kong... that's when I was a kid.
Oh well.. one day I'll go travel around USA, UK & Asia.
yes yes.. Bitchness! you want to go for a Bitchness overseas trip? We can go Malaysia... backpacking la(: want want?
It's like Alpha Dog without the crack and the shoot-out. Still have the same F*** in every sentence they say.

In the morning my dad forced me up which I totally hate because I didn't have enough sleep & when I woke up my eyes were all puffy.
Got ready then we headed to the Singapore-Johor Taxi Services.
At first the ride was bearable but if you're stuck in the centre seat in the back row between two old people & having very limited space you start to get real uncomfortable & imagine having to sit in the same position for 4 hours!
Okay. At the customs, everything went fine until we reached the Malaysian Customs. Cuz my passport was 5 months before expiry date, I almost wasn't able to go out of the country but then of course thanks to some "nice" custom officers they let me pass :D
Irony: they had a poster in the office saying, "Serve With A Smile" but they all looked like they were the undead.
We were on our way to MALAYSIA!
We ate Johor Laksa.

After brunch we continued our way through the never ending highway to Kluang.
Along the way I saw plantation that went on for miles! As far as the eye can see....
We passed the Toll Gates that signals the end of Johor.
There was highway toilets!
Once we reached Kluang it was around 12.30pm.
We went to eat.. again. Had Kluang Curry Mee at Gerai Makan Botak.
Direct translation means: Bald Food Stall.

After that we took the same cab & went to have Chendol.

it was real nice.
From the Chendol we took the same cab (meaning the same cab we took from Singapore) to my ng yi po's house.
I saw something really cute on the road.
anyway, we went to my ng yi po's house.
I like her cuz she's not a grumpy old hag like my po, unfortunately...
anyways, the old people,
my aunt then came over with her daughter and their maid. Talked with the two maids and my cousin (Jae-Yenn).
My cousin's coming to singapore to study in SIM. So hopefully when she's here we can spend time together cuz we're not very close. But I think she'll spend more time with Amy, Lisa & Kelly Palmer since they're direct cousins.
Any-oh-how, Aunt Lian took me to roam about Kluang since she's got errands to do.
I found out how TINY the state is. Seriously!
All the roads are connected to each other and it only takes 10 minutes to reach everywhere.
Oh! Another thing about that place... there's NO public transport. I'm for real! Everyone there has their own car and there's no cab, public train and public buses! I'm not joking.
They have school buses for students & it was yellow in color! hahaha.
One more thing.. I'm in Malaysia, but I didn't see a single Malay. Everyone there was Chinese. :D
The roads aren't like the ones in Singapore.
Singapore roads are really well planned roads that have pedestrian walks at the side of the road. The roads there doesn't even have a curb. Their roads are basically asphalt poured over ground.
After we finished Aunt Lian's errands we went back to the house and that was around 4pm. We went to Honeyland to eat... AGAIN!
After Honeyland, we dropped of Yenn in "town" since she was going to meet her friends.
Their town is like the small streets of Geylang, where all the shophouses are clustered together... damn cute.
They have only one TINY theatre. Man, if I lived there I think I would just die! Imagine living with no MOVIES!!
After dropping her off Aunt Lian took us on a trip down memory
I wasn't really fascinated with the places they used to live although it was real nice and all but I was more fascinated at how people survived living in the tiny state and what they do for fun and how to roads seem to be one big circle!
At 6 we went back to the house & since there was nothing for me to do, I walked around the estate. I walked one way and came back 15 minutes later to the house but ending from a different way.
Yes, I basically walked in a circle.
My ng yi po's house has a Chiku tree.
Her neighbour has a durian tree & a rambutan tree.
I saw a squirrel!!
Super cute :D
Like what I always say, Live Life On The Edge.
Came back to the house at 6.30pm (from my walk).
Talked to daddy & Aunt Lian.
She said one day we'll go back to Indonesia & take back some of my mother's photos. I haven't been back home for 9 years...
At 7.10pm our (same) taxi came & it was time to go.
Reached back in Singapore at 9.45pm & actually I wanted to take a cab home but my dad said no.... so I missed my SEASON FINALE OF SUPERNATURAL!!
& I realised that channel 5 cut a lot of House. Cuz clever me has already watched up to episode 11 when the TV has only showed up to episode 4.
I want to go to KL, Genting, Cameron Highlands, Mersing, Thailand, Kelantan, Melaka, Pahang..
This is only my second trip to malaysia.. YA! I've got a deprived childhood.
I've only been to Aceh, Sumatra, Tanjung Pinang, Palembang, Jakarta (I was born here), Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Kalimantan, New York, Boston, Washington D.C, London, Hong Kong... that's when I was a kid.
Oh well.. one day I'll go travel around USA, UK & Asia.
yes yes.. Bitchness! you want to go for a Bitchness overseas trip? We can go Malaysia... backpacking la(: want want?