Valentines' Day.

If you like to think that V Day is to be called someone's lover and spend your entire day with that person... That is so over-rated.
I think V Day shouldn't make singles feel bad that they don't have a date or a partner "to share that awesome day". Big deal! Use the day as a celebration and a statement that you're single and proud of it. I sure am... do you smell the freedom? I do.
Anyway, school was both V Day and Total Defence Day. Oh man! Had to wear full GB uniform to school and it was HOT! as in the temperature.
(although I do know that I'm naturally hot.)
First 3 periods of the day was spent sitting in the hall and listening to a talk. Mr Kang made us prisoners of war for 2 minutes. Nobody took it seriously. HAHA.
Then we had this speaker who was in the Medical something of the SAF. Anyway, after the talk we went back to class. 5 minutes of math... nothing.
Recess. NOTHING to eat because it's TDD and all the stalls are closed so there was food rationing however everybody was giving food as V Day gifts so everybody ended up eating that instead.
After recess, there was Lit and when we were just about to start... OH HALLELUJAH! Fire drill.
Went to be the student first aider. Nothing to do. Slacked there. The drill ended at about 11.30. Then! being a GB girl I had to go do the first aiding orientation for the sec ones.
All the way till the end of school.
So basically... I didn't have lessons at all for the entire day. Could have skipped school but, it was fun either way. After school, still haven't eaten and I received an apple on my table. From Shu feng! So sweet! HAHA.
Ate the green apple during physics remedial and when I was a few bites away from finishing the apple Mrs Tang tells me, "you know, if you are eating that on an empty stomach you're just adding acids into your already acid-filled stomach since it's empty?"
Thanks Mrs Tang! Telling that to me AFTER I finished eating it. -.-
After school went with Char and Jamie to The Cathay. Supposed to go watch Jumper with Char but she had to go home early so we couldn't and we went there just to go to Ben and Jerry's to buy their ice cream shakes.
Wow.. it's super gelat and I drank only about 1/5 of the large cup and I felt sick. So I threw it away. There goes $10.90
Oh well. It was an experience. It's just blended ice cream. LOL.
Went home after that. At the bus stop saw Yao. Okay, that's all.
That was how I spent my V Day. And now I'm watching episode 17 of One Tree Hill after watching episode 18 yesterday.
I'm a single and proud of it! I'm free to do anything I want without thinking about how it'll affect my partner. I know that one day my Mr Right will come for me. Until then, I'll just wait at the window of the tall tower for my prince to come and save me from the wicked (B)Witches. As for now, and forever, I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.