Went to school for CNY celebration.
It was good in the beginning and then it started to get slightly draggy but then when it ended it was fantastic. The outside dancers were fantastic.
I loved the Mongolian dance. The skirt was beautiful and the dance was slightly freaky cuz the dancer moved like a ghost as in literally and then it seems like her body parts are detached from her entire body. It was weird. But the dance was beautiful.
After the CNY, Lidia and I went to the market to eat breakfast while we were waiting for Jamie and Char. At about 10.30AM Lidia and I walked over to the Geylang Library and we waited for 15 mins.
Walked to the bus stop and Lidia had to take the bus from the opposite side because she lives at Kovan but Jamie, Char and I were going to Vivo and we had to take the bus from the other direction.
Walked around at Vivo and Pearlyn came afterwards. The four of us walked around looking for clothes since Jamie still hasn't bought her clothes yet. -.-
At 12.30PM I went to meet my dad. Char came along and it was her first time she met my dad. After settling the business between my father and I, Char and I went back to Tangs because her necklace that she bought from there was spoilt.
I'm very disappointed in my employees. How can they give faulty items to customers. I should get that woman fired!
We went back and I went over the the lady and with a straight face and a harsh tone I told the lady that the item was faulty.
In the end we exchanged it with a new one.
Shit them! I'm superly disappointed.
After that, C, J, P and I walked around the entire place. C bought some clothes and J didn't buy anything. Waste time.
We left at about 3 something.
Took the train together with Pearlyn. Crazy...
Reached home, bathed, changed into my outfit and waited for my relatives to come over for dinner.
They came and we drank, ate and were merry.
I strongly dislike Aunt E. She's such an URGH! Every year also must denounce me. She irritating. Everytime she comes over she has to comment on something about me. Either my face, my clothes and this year it was not greeting her.
PUH-LEESE! I did greet her but she was so fucking busy talking to my other aunt and she says that I didn't greet her!? Bitch.
The cousins (the kids) played Monopoly. As we always do every year. Were drunk man!! and I just drank one small glass of beer. Laughing non stop and now we have nicknames for each other.
Kai Jun is Tong Tong Chang. (pronounced as: Dong Dong Ch-air-ng)
I am Bak Kuah. (pronounced as: Back kweh)
Zhi Ying is Mahjong. (pronounced as: Meh-jung)
long story as to how the names came along but it's super funny.
Now the irritating part is... I can't log on to MSN!
WHY?! MSN also half day is it due to CNY?!
okay, now it JUST worked. Thank God.