went out with Nicolette today. her two cousins, Eunice and Denise, came along too.
i met Nicolette at Aljunied MRT station at 9.30AM and she came at about 9.55AM(?) then we went to Dhoby Gaut to meet her cousins.
we met them at The Cathay at about 10.10AM. We bought the tickets to the 10.30AM timeslot for The Golden Compass.
The show's quite nice and honestly i don't see what is so controvertial about the movie. they say that it's against The Chronicles Of Narnia but besides the fact that the people's souls are in the form of the shape shifting animals called deamons i dont see anything else that's worth the controversy. It's like any other fictional movie like Harry Potter etc.
After the show we went to the Japanese Association for lunch.
the food there was nice. wah! Nicolette's father was like calling to "check up" on us and he kept telling Nicolette to order alot of food. Nic and i were like about to explode yo!
there was this waiter at the JA (Japanese Association) and Nicolette says that he's quite good looking. i agree but he's only good looking when he looks down. haha!
after the lunch we took a shuttle bus to Orchard and Eunice and Denise went home. Nic and i went to roam Orchard.
OMG! today.. EVERYWHERE we looked there was caucasian guys. and i mean EVERYWHERE! it was like a manifestation! and other manifestation was the smokers! Good Lord! i swear the number of smokers in singapore has gone up up and away!! seriously.. as much as there were caucasian men.. there were probably the same amount of smokers. me and nic were practically complaining to each other every single step we took on the roads. the only time we were free from smokers was when we were inside a mall.
at some time we were walking and there was this big group of angmoh men.. and one dude was telling his friend something about me and nic when suddenly his friend BARKED. literaly, like a dog. but it was one big LOUD bark and he did that right at nic's ear! she was about to shout FUCK but then she held her tongue. man.. she should have just said it.
anyway.. i'm not thinking straight right now and there are a lot of missing parts in this post because early in the day i got my period. so fucked up right?! of all days it had to be today. why can't it be tomorrow. so throughout the entire day today i was fighting the side effects of my period until in the evening i couldn't take it anymore i told Nicolette, "let's go home. wanna take a cab we'll split the cost"
and the cab ride back.. wooooooo!! the driver was relentless! although he was safe and polite and was very fast when there was this turn at MacPherson rd i slid the the side and so did Nic. it was hilarious. we started laughing at the back seat and the driver asked us whether his turn was too sharp and we said, "no no! it's fine!" hahaha!! that was fun.
oh man! sorry nic that today we had to cut the outing so abruptly. maybe next time when my period doesn't creep up on me like this we'll go out again and we'll go out for 12 hours ya! ahahhaha!! from 8AM-8PM. hahaha!! 21st yea.. don't forget. we meet up first then go to the thing together.
today is Taylor Swift's birthday.
i met Nicolette at Aljunied MRT station at 9.30AM and she came at about 9.55AM(?) then we went to Dhoby Gaut to meet her cousins.
we met them at The Cathay at about 10.10AM. We bought the tickets to the 10.30AM timeslot for The Golden Compass.
The show's quite nice and honestly i don't see what is so controvertial about the movie. they say that it's against The Chronicles Of Narnia but besides the fact that the people's souls are in the form of the shape shifting animals called deamons i dont see anything else that's worth the controversy. It's like any other fictional movie like Harry Potter etc.
After the show we went to the Japanese Association for lunch.
there was this waiter at the JA (Japanese Association) and Nicolette says that he's quite good looking. i agree but he's only good looking when he looks down. haha!
after the lunch we took a shuttle bus to Orchard and Eunice and Denise went home. Nic and i went to roam Orchard.
OMG! today.. EVERYWHERE we looked there was caucasian guys. and i mean EVERYWHERE! it was like a manifestation! and other manifestation was the smokers! Good Lord! i swear the number of smokers in singapore has gone up up and away!! seriously.. as much as there were caucasian men.. there were probably the same amount of smokers. me and nic were practically complaining to each other every single step we took on the roads. the only time we were free from smokers was when we were inside a mall.
at some time we were walking and there was this big group of angmoh men.. and one dude was telling his friend something about me and nic when suddenly his friend BARKED. literaly, like a dog. but it was one big LOUD bark and he did that right at nic's ear! she was about to shout FUCK but then she held her tongue. man.. she should have just said it.
anyway.. i'm not thinking straight right now and there are a lot of missing parts in this post because early in the day i got my period. so fucked up right?! of all days it had to be today. why can't it be tomorrow. so throughout the entire day today i was fighting the side effects of my period until in the evening i couldn't take it anymore i told Nicolette, "let's go home. wanna take a cab we'll split the cost"
and the cab ride back.. wooooooo!! the driver was relentless! although he was safe and polite and was very fast when there was this turn at MacPherson rd i slid the the side and so did Nic. it was hilarious. we started laughing at the back seat and the driver asked us whether his turn was too sharp and we said, "no no! it's fine!" hahaha!! that was fun.
oh man! sorry nic that today we had to cut the outing so abruptly. maybe next time when my period doesn't creep up on me like this we'll go out again and we'll go out for 12 hours ya! ahahhaha!! from 8AM-8PM. hahaha!! 21st yea.. don't forget. we meet up first then go to the thing together.
today is Taylor Swift's birthday.