rachel wasn't feeling in peace so we went to the toilet to let her natural taps flow. (tears -.- for those non-lit ppl).
the weirdest thing happened at that time.
Jimmy came into the girls' toilet!
to comfort her la!
super funny.
was such a third wheel in the toilet with them.
was standing in the cubicle.
then kai jing came to the toilet.
so now the 4th floor females toilet is a place to congregate for both male and female.
faith 3/2 can't keep their eyes of us.
first time they saw a dude in the girls' toilet.
after school had Meet The Parents.
MR JAMES LEE talked to my aunt.
Praise God for him!
My aunt nagged like the sun wont come down but Mr Lee kept on siding with me.
English - B4. OMG! (not happy)
Malay - B4. OMG! (not happy)
Math - E8. (super happy. IMPROVED OKAY!)
Science - C5. darn physics
Combined H. - C6. darn geography
Lit - B3. OMG! (SUPER not happy)
POA - A1. typical
CME - C. like who cares?
Total: 425.2/700
Percentage: 60.7
L1R4: 17
L1R5: 23
Conduct: GOOD. -.- what!? it should be excellent.
Comments: Has shown ability in working in a team, particularly when with a group of friends. Eager to learn things she is interested in. Has much potential academically, which can be more fully achieved with greater focus.
(typical comments for me. say i don't have enough focus and can achieve better)
and for once i agree abt the achiving better thing.
i could have gotten an A1 for English & Lit, A2 for Malay.
if i got that i would have gotten 13 points for L1R4 and 19 points for L1R5.
but since i failed my math... it's straight to ITE for me.
had GB in the morning.
finished at 1230.
then had to meet with who and who and who.
then had to change outta uniform.
left school at 1300hrs.
rushed home to change cuz was meeting up with peeps at 1400hrs at dhouby gaut station.
rushed like mad.
reached home at 1330hrs, changed then got bitched by my aunt again... abt the type of outfit i wore.
just cuz she doesn't have a life she has to ruin mine too!?
left house at 1345hrs.
reached the station at 1430hrs. missed the first movie.
met up with Matthew, Jia hui, Kai jing & Ivan.
watched the 1645hrs movie for Transformers.
total full house the cinema.
had to sit 3 rows from the front.
but it wasn't so bad cuz the screne isn't high just super big.
it was super cool the show!
TRANSFORMERS was totally hot!

Bumblebee is super cute and cool.
he turned into a chevrolet camaro. damn hot!

Optimus Prime is so fatherly. haha!

ALL HAIL MEGATRON! woooo. *does cow-worship* haha.
I like the evil ones. I don't know why...
Ironhide is super funny!
anyway, today was really a dream come true!
today was the day where i saw ALOT of caucasian teenage guys.
hots too!(:
i always complained that i never seen any teenage guys (caucasians) and today was a dream come true.
had dinner at Ajisen Ramen with Jia hui.
the guys went back alr.
and when we were going home, i saw ALOT of hot dudes!
today is like an overdose of hotties.
in transformers there was the hotty that i was waiting for...

He looks so hot with all the weapons! *drools*
reached home at 2200hrs.
today was a dose of HOT METAL ACTION.haha(:
this movie is maybe the biggest production ever.
cuz all the actors and actresses are really big names.
i was kinda shocked when i saw all the actors.
since i found out that all the hot dudes appear at night, one day i'm going to beg my dad to let me go out late at night. maybe next year.
16 alr right? so go clubbing.
hah!! as if.
probably going to some posh restaurant and drink wine and fine french food.
JULY 12 is coming soon and we all know what that means....
you mean Voldermort?
shhh!! do not speak of the name of the dark Lord!
"the dark Lord rises! We as death eaters will serve our master."
totally love it.
for now, Their war. Our world. - There's More That Meets The Eye.
rachel wasn't feeling in peace so we went to the toilet to let her natural taps flow. (tears -.- for those non-lit ppl).
the weirdest thing happened at that time.
Jimmy came into the girls' toilet!
to comfort her la!
super funny.
was such a third wheel in the toilet with them.
was standing in the cubicle.
then kai jing came to the toilet.
so now the 4th floor females toilet is a place to congregate for both male and female.
faith 3/2 can't keep their eyes of us.
first time they saw a dude in the girls' toilet.
after school had Meet The Parents.
MR JAMES LEE talked to my aunt.
Praise God for him!
My aunt nagged like the sun wont come down but Mr Lee kept on siding with me.
English - B4. OMG! (not happy)
Malay - B4. OMG! (not happy)
Math - E8. (super happy. IMPROVED OKAY!)
Science - C5. darn physics
Combined H. - C6. darn geography
Lit - B3. OMG! (SUPER not happy)
POA - A1. typical
CME - C. like who cares?
Total: 425.2/700
Percentage: 60.7
L1R4: 17
L1R5: 23
Conduct: GOOD. -.- what!? it should be excellent.
Comments: Has shown ability in working in a team, particularly when with a group of friends. Eager to learn things she is interested in. Has much potential academically, which can be more fully achieved with greater focus.
(typical comments for me. say i don't have enough focus and can achieve better)
and for once i agree abt the achiving better thing.
i could have gotten an A1 for English & Lit, A2 for Malay.
if i got that i would have gotten 13 points for L1R4 and 19 points for L1R5.
but since i failed my math... it's straight to ITE for me.
had GB in the morning.
finished at 1230.
then had to meet with who and who and who.
then had to change outta uniform.
left school at 1300hrs.
rushed home to change cuz was meeting up with peeps at 1400hrs at dhouby gaut station.
rushed like mad.
reached home at 1330hrs, changed then got bitched by my aunt again... abt the type of outfit i wore.
just cuz she doesn't have a life she has to ruin mine too!?
left house at 1345hrs.
reached the station at 1430hrs. missed the first movie.
met up with Matthew, Jia hui, Kai jing & Ivan.
watched the 1645hrs movie for Transformers.
total full house the cinema.
had to sit 3 rows from the front.
but it wasn't so bad cuz the screne isn't high just super big.
it was super cool the show!
TRANSFORMERS was totally hot!
Bumblebee is super cute and cool.
he turned into a chevrolet camaro. damn hot!
Optimus Prime is so fatherly. haha!
ALL HAIL MEGATRON! woooo. *does cow-worship* haha.
Ironhide is super funny!
anyway, today was really a dream come true!
today was the day where i saw ALOT of caucasian teenage guys.
hots too!(:
i always complained that i never seen any teenage guys (caucasians) and today was a dream come true.
had dinner at Ajisen Ramen with Jia hui.
the guys went back alr.
and when we were going home, i saw ALOT of hot dudes!
today is like an overdose of hotties.
in transformers there was the hotty that i was waiting for...
He looks so hot with all the weapons! *drools*
reached home at 2200hrs.
today was a dose of HOT METAL ACTION.haha(:
this movie is maybe the biggest production ever.
cuz all the actors and actresses are really big names.
i was kinda shocked when i saw all the actors.
since i found out that all the hot dudes appear at night, one day i'm going to beg my dad to let me go out late at night. maybe next year.
16 alr right? so go clubbing.
hah!! as if.
probably going to some posh restaurant and drink wine and fine french food.
JULY 12 is coming soon and we all know what that means....
you mean Voldermort?
shhh!! do not speak of the name of the dark Lord!
"the dark Lord rises! We as death eaters will serve our master."
totally love it.
for now, Their war. Our world. - There's More That Meets The Eye.