i am so angry with myself.
not only did i just flunk my math (that i'm not too worried about)
but i actually let myself down in POA.
i totally forgot about 'closing stock' in my balance sheet.
like what the hell.
no wonder it didn't balance.
(damn+shit) x 10^infinity.
what the hell.
how can i forget that.
and i finished the paper 20 minutes before time and i couldn't even remember a simple thing like closing stock in my balance sheet!?
so peeved at myself.
stupid me.
math... i don't want to talk about it.
totally sucked.
today was NOT cool.
tomorrow however is the last paper!
yay for that.
but... it's still chemistry and POA paper 1.
i hope POA paper one is just MCQ, i can't face another flattening against the theory questions.
so disappointed in myself.
oh well, it was God's calling for me to forget the closing stock.
i am so angry with myself.
not only did i just flunk my math (that i'm not too worried about)
but i actually let myself down in POA.
i totally forgot about 'closing stock' in my balance sheet.
like what the hell.
no wonder it didn't balance.
(damn+shit) x 10^infinity.
what the hell.
how can i forget that.
and i finished the paper 20 minutes before time and i couldn't even remember a simple thing like closing stock in my balance sheet!?
so peeved at myself.
stupid me.
math... i don't want to talk about it.
totally sucked.
today was NOT cool.
tomorrow however is the last paper!
yay for that.
but... it's still chemistry and POA paper 1.
i hope POA paper one is just MCQ, i can't face another flattening against the theory questions.
oh well, it was God's calling for me to forget the closing stock.