as everyone knows, i have 2 CCAs but i'm kinda sick of one of them.
everyone leaves me out of everything. they gab in chinese non-stop to each other when they're trying to explain something that they don't know how to explain in english then i wont understand.
they'll also talk in chinese to each other and when i ask what they said they'll go, "nothing".
it's really frustrating!
Fay at least you would understand simple chinese
when i tell them something they won't listen to what i have to say and they show favoritism to some of the people.
and they wont give a chance to some of the others.
always having internal conflicts and it's really irritating, frustrating, confusing and tiring to hear the same thing over and over and being left out of things.
just like in class.
everybody has their own cliques and i'm the outcast.
Downcast your eyes
Don't let this world see
Shield yourself with lies
The truth will never be
Something mentioned to the world
Or even in your mind
With fists all but curled
And foot steps lagging behind
Nameless you remain
An outcast of this clan
Constantly called words of vain
A mark to note your ban
Don't mind the similarity
Between you and everyone else
Hide away your heart and key
No one with you for the valse
Downcast your eyes
Don't let this world see
How much an outcast lies inside
Both you and me
everyone leaves me out of everything. they gab in chinese non-stop to each other when they're trying to explain something that they don't know how to explain in english then i wont understand.
they'll also talk in chinese to each other and when i ask what they said they'll go, "nothing".
it's really frustrating!
Fay at least you would understand simple chinese
when i tell them something they won't listen to what i have to say and they show favoritism to some of the people.
and they wont give a chance to some of the others.
always having internal conflicts and it's really irritating, frustrating, confusing and tiring to hear the same thing over and over and being left out of things.
just like in class.
everybody has their own cliques and i'm the outcast.
Downcast your eyes
Don't let this world see
Shield yourself with lies
The truth will never be
Something mentioned to the world
Or even in your mind
With fists all but curled
And foot steps lagging behind
Nameless you remain
An outcast of this clan
Constantly called words of vain
A mark to note your ban
Don't mind the similarity
Between you and everyone else
Hide away your heart and key
No one with you for the valse
Downcast your eyes
Don't let this world see
How much an outcast lies inside
Both you and me