Merry Christmas!
merry christmas everyone.
chirstmas happened because of each one of you.
santa didn't come and visit me last night, most likely because i've been a very naughty girl.
but nevermind.
i didn't celebrate christmas this year (in fact for the last 6years)
in fact i "sort of" celebrated christmas with my 2 great friends.
Abidear (Abigail) and Phoebs daarling (Phoebe).
Wilson was SUPPOSED to come along but he stayed out last night and only slept at 5AM.
i told him i would give him a morning call (cuz he's my younger brother and it's my job as a sister to)
but i called him 43 times and he still didn't wake up.
so we gave up and watched the movie ourselves.
we watched: Night At the Museum
we weren't going to watch that movie but since Wilson didn't come along we watched it. (wilson watched it last night like really late)
if wilson came along then we were going to watch: Death Note 2
or some other movie, but nevermind. Night At the Museum was funny.
believe it or not, this is the first time i didn't utter a single thing during a movie and it wasn't as boring as i thought.
on the 27th which is like 2 more days from now, i'll be going out again with my cell members.
it's going to be fun.
and i have to find out whether the stock for my presents are here.
i need to buy like (estimated count) 90 presents.
for my tribe and then for some (i repeat) some friends at school and church.
i hope 90 is enough.
merry christmas and happy new year.