Today! Choir day
Today is the day! Today is the day! It's Choir Day!
Can't wait! And it's just about 3 hours away! They added many many new songs and i would have to memorise these songs from tonight all the way to saturday night/sunday morning so that on sunday afternoon i can sing them perfectly and without a hitch! Woohoo!
Nothing bad happened today. Faizal didn't even call me any names and he didn't ruin my day! Praise the Lord! I was supposed to go for self study today but i didn't feel like going. I'll just give some excuse tomorrow. Oh! i still have my math worksheet to do! Actually it's my math test paper corrections. Guess how much i got? 6/30! Even my friends from another class couldn't believe i got that amount and they all were crowding around my table in utter disbelief that i got those grades. Hahax. I guess that is how guys show they're in shock.
Today is such a happy day because:
1. There's choir practice tonight. It's Choir Day!
2. Faizal wasn't an ass and didn't ruin my day today.
But today was a terrible day too in a a way because i had my PFT today. PFT: Physical Fitness Test. It was the 2.4KM run! I know. It's retarded! I don't understand why we have to run 2.4KM. Well, since i'm 14, the passing time is 18minutes and 30 seconds. But...
My timing was 18.48! My goodness! I can't believe it! I failed by 18seconds! 18 SECONDS!.
Now, all thanks to that ridiculous 18 seconds, i have to retake the stupid run this monday during my PE time! F____! 18seconds! And have to re-take! So today i like ran for nothing! I ran for practically NOTHING. I'm so heart broken!
But all that was in the past. So now i shall not dwell on the past but i shall look towards the future!
And since i'm in such a good mood.. I shall give all of you a treat!

adores the cows
LoL! I hope you people enjoy the cows as much as i enjoy them!!
God Bless!
Today is the day! Today is the day! It's Choir Day!
Can't wait! And it's just about 3 hours away! They added many many new songs and i would have to memorise these songs from tonight all the way to saturday night/sunday morning so that on sunday afternoon i can sing them perfectly and without a hitch! Woohoo!
Nothing bad happened today. Faizal didn't even call me any names and he didn't ruin my day! Praise the Lord! I was supposed to go for self study today but i didn't feel like going. I'll just give some excuse tomorrow. Oh! i still have my math worksheet to do! Actually it's my math test paper corrections. Guess how much i got? 6/30! Even my friends from another class couldn't believe i got that amount and they all were crowding around my table in utter disbelief that i got those grades. Hahax. I guess that is how guys show they're in shock.
Today is such a happy day because:
1. There's choir practice tonight. It's Choir Day!
2. Faizal wasn't an ass and didn't ruin my day today.
But today was a terrible day too in a a way because i had my PFT today. PFT: Physical Fitness Test. It was the 2.4KM run! I know. It's retarded! I don't understand why we have to run 2.4KM. Well, since i'm 14, the passing time is 18minutes and 30 seconds. But...
My timing was 18.48! My goodness! I can't believe it! I failed by 18seconds! 18 SECONDS!.
Now, all thanks to that ridiculous 18 seconds, i have to retake the stupid run this monday during my PE time! F____! 18seconds! And have to re-take! So today i like ran for nothing! I ran for practically NOTHING. I'm so heart broken!
But all that was in the past. So now i shall not dwell on the past but i shall look towards the future!
And since i'm in such a good mood.. I shall give all of you a treat!

adores the cows
LoL! I hope you people enjoy the cows as much as i enjoy them!!
God Bless!