close to the edge
The first day of my holidays officially started right after GP paper which was on Friday, 3rd September 2010. Once the paper was over I went back with Sanjeev and went over to his place. We all played badminton in the evening and it's starting to become a daily norm.
So from Friday till today I've been staying over at Sanjeev's place.
Yesterday was a real drama filled day. One thing after another was happening to us. Since it was the second last day of the Hungry Ghost Festival, all the prayer burning and everything was going on when we were playing badminton. First thing that happened was uncle's arm got injured from playing badminton so he cut short his game and in the evening he went off to work.
Then at about 9pm Sanjeev's sprained his ankle while playing badminton but it was a really strange occurrance because there was no way it was possible that he could have stumbled on his own weight and he also told us that he felt as if something tripped him that's why he stumbled. Spookey right? Well yeah.
After that, Haojie, Sanjeev and I went to Simpang to eat dinner. During dinne, I suddenly got an asthma attack and I didn't have my inhaler with me. At first I thought that it'll go away and for it to turn out as just a mini attack like other occassions but it wasn't. This attack was bad! I couldn't breathe, I started hyperventilating and freaking out, my arms and legs started to cramp and go numb and that was it, Haojie ran to his car drove it over and sped off to Changi General Hospital's A&E. Sanjeev held me up because I just couldn't walk anymore. My stomach and torso started to cramp up, my neck started feeling weak and it couldn't support my head. I really thought I was just going to fall off the wheelchair and start having fits on the floor.
The nurses had me on the Nebulizer and I sat there with Sanjeev next to me, supporting my weight. After the second dosage of the Nebulizer (sounds like something from a Matrix movie) I felt so much better and I could breathe again. Then Sanjeev bought my a bottle of water and wheeled me to see the doctor. The doctor told me I need to do a regular checkup for my asthma and he referred me to the specialist. At first I told him that I think it would be better to go back to my specialist at SGH but the doctor said that it'll be difficult to get an appointment there. Yeah yeah yeah, whatever... you can tell me that you just want to get money that's why you "can't" refer me to SGH. Hahaha!
So everything went well and I was discharged with a super big bill because I'm a PR so everything's like doubled for me. So much for the government saying that they'll give equal rights amd benefits to PRs and yet here I am, a PR who still pays double for medical fees, gets difficulties in obtaining bursaries etc due to my PR-ness and then I also don't get priority for housing and jobs pays normally lower. The only thing PRs have equality in is taking part in the army. But I'm not here to diss the govermental issues., I'm here to give my story. So yeah, the bill was expensive and I feel really bad that baby had to pay for it. I'm gonna try and pay him back the medical bill and he was so sweet to be all worried for me.
At home he said that he feels like a father having to take care of his daughter and Nash said that it's good practice. Hahahaha! Anyways, I'm better now but Sanjeev's still got his sprained ankle. I thank God for Sanjeev and Haojie that night, baby and I owe Haojie a lot.. he practically saved my life. Baby was so worried for me he was more frantic than me. I was just frantic in trying to breathe but baby was next to me being worried on whether I'll die or not, he kept shaking me and calling out my name to make sure I don't pass out before we reached the hospital. When he came home and went to bed, he held on to me to make sure that I'm still there.
He was so worried that I felt pitiful for him. So poor thing my baby worrying like that for me.
All's well now and baby insisted to the doctor to give me the puffer. Now he's playing poker with the guys and I'm here really bored so I just tought I'll blog about this exciting incident. Hahaha! :D
So from Friday till today I've been staying over at Sanjeev's place.
Yesterday was a real drama filled day. One thing after another was happening to us. Since it was the second last day of the Hungry Ghost Festival, all the prayer burning and everything was going on when we were playing badminton. First thing that happened was uncle's arm got injured from playing badminton so he cut short his game and in the evening he went off to work.
Then at about 9pm Sanjeev's sprained his ankle while playing badminton but it was a really strange occurrance because there was no way it was possible that he could have stumbled on his own weight and he also told us that he felt as if something tripped him that's why he stumbled. Spookey right? Well yeah.
After that, Haojie, Sanjeev and I went to Simpang to eat dinner. During dinne, I suddenly got an asthma attack and I didn't have my inhaler with me. At first I thought that it'll go away and for it to turn out as just a mini attack like other occassions but it wasn't. This attack was bad! I couldn't breathe, I started hyperventilating and freaking out, my arms and legs started to cramp and go numb and that was it, Haojie ran to his car drove it over and sped off to Changi General Hospital's A&E. Sanjeev held me up because I just couldn't walk anymore. My stomach and torso started to cramp up, my neck started feeling weak and it couldn't support my head. I really thought I was just going to fall off the wheelchair and start having fits on the floor.
The nurses had me on the Nebulizer and I sat there with Sanjeev next to me, supporting my weight. After the second dosage of the Nebulizer (sounds like something from a Matrix movie) I felt so much better and I could breathe again. Then Sanjeev bought my a bottle of water and wheeled me to see the doctor. The doctor told me I need to do a regular checkup for my asthma and he referred me to the specialist. At first I told him that I think it would be better to go back to my specialist at SGH but the doctor said that it'll be difficult to get an appointment there. Yeah yeah yeah, whatever... you can tell me that you just want to get money that's why you "can't" refer me to SGH. Hahaha!
So everything went well and I was discharged with a super big bill because I'm a PR so everything's like doubled for me. So much for the government saying that they'll give equal rights amd benefits to PRs and yet here I am, a PR who still pays double for medical fees, gets difficulties in obtaining bursaries etc due to my PR-ness and then I also don't get priority for housing and jobs pays normally lower. The only thing PRs have equality in is taking part in the army. But I'm not here to diss the govermental issues., I'm here to give my story. So yeah, the bill was expensive and I feel really bad that baby had to pay for it. I'm gonna try and pay him back the medical bill and he was so sweet to be all worried for me.
At home he said that he feels like a father having to take care of his daughter and Nash said that it's good practice. Hahahaha! Anyways, I'm better now but Sanjeev's still got his sprained ankle. I thank God for Sanjeev and Haojie that night, baby and I owe Haojie a lot.. he practically saved my life. Baby was so worried for me he was more frantic than me. I was just frantic in trying to breathe but baby was next to me being worried on whether I'll die or not, he kept shaking me and calling out my name to make sure I don't pass out before we reached the hospital. When he came home and went to bed, he held on to me to make sure that I'm still there.
He was so worried that I felt pitiful for him. So poor thing my baby worrying like that for me.
All's well now and baby insisted to the doctor to give me the puffer. Now he's playing poker with the guys and I'm here really bored so I just tought I'll blog about this exciting incident. Hahaha! :D
