such nonsensical fights occur over small little things, homework from teachers for the one week holiday are as much as a one month holiday, my phone bills are overdue and i can't pay, people telling me what to do and they just don't understand.

DRILL COMPETITION is coming this saturday and next saturday.
format drill this week and creative drill the next.
as a reserve, i wish them all the best and hope they all don't fall sick during the week for creatice drill.
Format drill I can take over but creative drill? not really.
for all the members in the Pioneer Contingent, basshya!

and Happy Birthday Germin!

now i've made myself a vow, after i switch off this computer (after writing this post) i will not touch my phone (unless it is completely necessary) or computer until I have completed a (large?) percentage of my homework cuz i really have no time to complete it all through the week.

tuesday, wednesday, thrusday at 745-10am I have choir to attend
tuesday, wednesday, thursday at 10am-6pm I have GB drill practice to attend
So by the time I reach home it'll be about 715pm. And with the amount of homework, the percentage completed will most probably be 1% over these three days.

never mind, with the Lord it is all possible.
ah (one), doo (two), san (three), FIGHTING!
(spelt as how it is pronounced)


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