SLTC (edited)
just came back from SLTC.
and on the second day we (the Pam's tribe) became the group leaders of the assigned groups.
on the first day
had sessions from morning to evening. so tiring. but at night was the most funny part! Phoebe daarling (spelt this way) and I rolled all over each other and "practiced snoring". actually we wanted to frame Abigail for snoring. Phoebe and i were like rolling all over the stage, kicking Abi, rolling over each other and putting our legs over one another. Lol. Oh! i accidentally molested Phoebs.
during the sleeping time, me and phoebe were like playing around and we laughed til our hearts almost dropped out. me and phoebs thought that abi slept already so we were like playing "quietly" and i went to like shake my hand in front of abi's face cuz she didn't respond so i told phoebs that abi is asleep then suddenly abi suddenly said, "what?!" and then phoebs and i started laughing. haha! phoebs tried to control her laughter and it sounded like she was crying. damn funny. trying to control the laughter in the end became laugh even harder thanks to phoebe's weird laughing!
and before abi tried to sleep and phoebs and i playing at night, the three of us talked about weird things that could link to other things.
it all started with me combing my hair and phoebs asked me, "why you comb your hair at night?" and i told her that my hair's curly so it tangles easily then abi said "ya lorx, not like your hair so straight and nice" then phoebs said that she uses Rejoice the shampoo then i told her i used Clear and abi said she used Asian (the shampoo) then from there we started talking about the kind of hair we have whether got dandruff or not then went on the food and the way ps. william talks (it's scary sometimes) and it went on and on then suddenly it went to pheobs laughing. so funny. oh and before the time became late, Fay called my handphone (she was sleeping on the other side of the room [which wasn't far]) and she CALLED me! when i answered she said, "eh you all can keep quiet or not? very noisy lerx people wanna sleep!" then hang up! so weird. when i told my gals that they started laughing somemore.
in the morning,
after the sessions we went to play at east coast. we were spilt into 4 groups i was in group 4 with claire, joanne, grace (dawn's), julian, ling ling andone more gal who i forgot. (hehe, sorry)Phoebe daarling! well we played like very fun. the first game was very dizzying, had to spin around a pole 10 times run to the sea collect water and pour into a pail. my group won that game! hehe. wilson fell after spinning around 10 times along the pole and he fell the exact same way as Vanessa when she was testing out the game. haha! everybody was like running slanted. so funny. i only got giddy after i finished pouring the sea water into the pail. looked like some drunken women at a club!
after all the games, since my group won, my group and grace (pearl's) group won so must do the forfiet for the losing group. we had to roll on the sand! i didn't want to do due to personal reasons and vanessa let me off. but my lovely younger brother was such an angel! he took my spot for me. hehe.. so sweet of him rite? thank you Wilsy!
after the games we went to bathe. went to bathe with abi dear and phoebs darling at abi's grandma's house. and we were like rushing afraid that we would be late because we were to meet at TC at 6.30 and we just went out of the house at 6.25. so we rushed there and in the end, we became the earliest. fay, grace, hui ying, julian and wilsy came next. fay bought me subway cookie! and fay told me bout some old uncle who sits in front of the toilet collecting money and she thought he was cute and i interpreted it wrongly and so did julian and the 2 of us started laughing uncontrollably. haha.. got to know julian too during camp. he's very nice.
on the second day
i was in group number 2.
i was the second in-charge. The first in-charge were Esther and Kailin. When the two of them were taking care of the group, the group didn't want to listen to them AT ALL!
they talked among themselves (the boys) the gals just sat there being so quiet not saying a thing. So difficult to get them to co-operate.
we went to sentosa for all the gaming. we sat at the shelter and some St. Joseph boys were there too. visually stunning! hehe. only like 2 of them. such a disappointment! but.. it was still nice to see some scenery. hehe. Yuki thought the same way too. sorry yarx. there were only TWO tall, dark and handsome guys.
at the second round, Esther and Kailin went to become station masters for the games and i became the first in-charge. Before they left to become station masters, they wished me luck in handling the group. HAHA!
you know what happened? when it was my turn, everybody was SO co-operative and they didn't play amongst themselves, they spoke up more and they listened to me! WOOHOO! YAYness.
like super funny and the two of them were like, "how's our group?" "are they behaving themselves?" haha! so funny! and i was like all cool and told them, "everything's fine people. they're like super nice. even the boys are listening to me" then they like so jealous!
in my group there was supposed to be, 5 boys and 2 gals. in the end, only 4 boys came and 2 gals. the other boy (Ben) he was sick at the last minute. But nevermind, hope he gets well soon and maybe it was the Lord's annoiting that he didn't come so that it would be easier for me to take care of them.
the people in my group were: Weng Kin (boy), Brandon (boy), Ernest (boy), Dovin (boy), Debbie (gal), Tessa (gal) and Guohua/Travis (leader) [the leader was just supposed to play with the members and they're just there to make sure that the group is safe] I really thank God that He blessed me with this group of people.
Ernest and I became really close, we became really good friends. First he was like very shy to talk to me and didn't want to come near me but then slowly he started asking questions and in the end he always stood next to me and talk. Brandon too.
Brandon is SO funny! He and Ernest are so funny and they are always together and everything is the two of them who crap alot. In the bus ride back to Daniel Hall (the main place where we had the camp) I asked Ernest and Brandon how much they got for their PSLE score. Ernest got 209 and Brandon got 249! (my goodness!) and Brandon didn't want to tell me so he pretended to cry and the way he cried was hilarious. And he said, "huh?! PSLE results come out already? (cries) how come i don't know?! why nobody tell me! (cries) then now i never get my PSLE marks! (cries) Walao Ernest! i thought you my friend! (cries) then you never tell me that the results come out already! cries I don't friend you anymore!"
Ernest, '(cries) you don't want to friend me anymore?!"
it was SUPER funny. if you saw it yourself it would be really cute!
anyways, in the end, i was close to the guys and Esther, Kailin was closer to the two gals. Don't ask me why (and i didn't flirt with the guys!) the gals just seem uncomfortable with me. OH DEAR! but they open up to me too but not as much towards Esther and Kailin. The guys were more open to me (including the leader).
saturday nite, we watched Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. And sweet Ernest was so nice knowing that i had a long and tiring day and because i told him too, he massaged me! so nice of him!
and i saw a REALLY REALLY cute boy. cute as in baby cute. with all the baby fats still in the cheeks. his name is Brian (in a different group). And i couldn't help myself. i just had to pinch his cheeks. in the end.. I managed too and it was super soft!
sorry ya, weakness for cute adorable chubby baby face small boys.
saturday nite
slept at 3.30 am. was taught how to play daidi (or whatever). but before that watched the movie and had a closing session for the P6s and had prize presentation then.. my fav! SUPPER! hahax. after supper supposed to go to sleep but wasn't sleepy so played. however, before playing i went to talk to Ernest. So funny lerx that fellow!
Brandon had to leave and he wasn't able to sleep overnight because the next day his mother had a christmas function and he had to be there. So sad. If he was there at night Ernest and Brandon will be crapping with me until i don't have to sleep anymore!
then when we finally went to sleep we (phoebs and me) were playing around again. we snored and listened to phoebs laughing/crying again. so crappy man the three of us.
sunday morning
was allowed to wake up late!! from the usual 7 we woke up at 9am. BUT! at 7 all the P6 girls had to wake up to leave and they made sooo much noise i woke up and so did Phoebs and Abi. I wanted to wake up at 7 too to see off my group members but i was just darn too tired so, "aiyah! they know how to leave by themselves!"
Waehehe! sorry, i'm very cranky when i'm forced awake or if i wake up before the time i WANT to wake up. At night even how tired i am, if you talk to me or whatever i won't get cranky, i would just sit there so tiredly and listen to you talk or whatever. (sidetrack: there was a time, during some camp, i was talking with a group of people some gals and some guys then i leaned onto the pillar and they talked forever! the next thing i knew, it was morning and i was leaning on the pillar. meaning i fell asleep and they left me there!)
was kinda sad that saturday night came and everybody had to split up.
*fyi, the people in the group meaning the group members are in Primary 6 going on to Secondary 1 in January. They were in the camp because they were having P6 assimilation camp. and they were given to us in groups so that we can "practice" to become leaders.
during the sessions we learnt alot of things. we learnt that to follow God we have to deny ourselves, be prayerful and have faith. sunday moring ps. william gave a session and in the end of the session he "sent us out 2 by 2" to our schools or workplace to share the word of God and create disciples. "sent us out 2 by 2" means to go to our environment and plant ourselves to create disciples for the Lord.
to create disciples there are 4 steps:
1. Bless the people
2. Fellowship with the people
3. Meet the felt needs of the people
4. Share the gospel with the people
and now i want to create a prayer group in my school in which we meet up about twice a week to pray for the people, school, country and the nations. i have faith that the Lord will provide me with the people. and these people in my prayer group will be part of my spiritual family and they will be invited by me to go for my tribe's annual june camp.
"i can do all things in Christ who strengthens me!"

my group during lunch

my group and group 3 building the castle of God. (my group's the one behind)

the camp family!

me supervising my group in building the sand castle
about my lovely group 2
esther: the first incharge. she's super sweet! how come i never talked to her?! stupid me! she's leads the group very well eventhough the group members weren't listening to her. haha. but she perservered and didn't give up. she still gave in her best. in the end, thanks to her, the group finaly opened up.
kailin: the first second incharge. she's nice and she helped esther alot in the disciplining side for the guys. she's the strict one while esther is loving one.
travis: the cell leader of 2 of the boys and he's very nice. hehe, i took his 50 cents that he contributed for one of the icebreakers we were playing. hehe.. i still have it. he knew i took it and he didn't mind me having it. joked with him on the way to sentosa telling him that we must give a nice pose to the traffic camera (when they take photo of ur car when u speed on the highway) so must put make up and wear gown and everything. super funny!
debbie: the sweet little gal who is just the most adorable thing you've every seen! she's super quiet but she's very cooperative and she's very shy at the beginning but when she suddenly talked to me, i got the biggest shock of my life! hehe.
tessa: the missing sheep. when we were gathering all our people she wasn't around at all. she too was a quiet darling but after some time she started talking to me too! tessa and debbie very funny lerx, they are in the same cell but they dont talk to each other then i asked, "do you know each other" then they said yes i nearly fainted! haha.
isaac/weng kin: the very noisy one. always talking and never listening. but in the end, got him to listen more. he's nice even though at the beginning you just wanted to strangle him.
dovin: he turned out to be exactly the way i imagined him to be! when i saw his name, his name reminded me of Donovan and i imagined him to be chubby, rosy on the cheeks and shy. and he was everything that i thought. he was so shy! he was the first guy to talk to me.
Brandon: haha.. crappy, noisy, looney! haha. he's very nice and sweet eventhough he's crappy. what to do? like me! can't stop talking. in the beginning he talked like he was drinking water then with time i managed to make him talk at times when he's supposed to or when he can. and he was the second guy who was close to me.
Ernest: haha.. like Brandon. crappy, noisy, looney! haha. he's like Brandon's twin. these two people are so alike besides the face. he's the first guy who was close to me. listens to every single thing i say! he can be a good leader and follower of God because if you tell him to do something he will do it without asking why and he'll just do it. likes to call me "jie jie" told him not to cuz makes me sound old. hehe.
and that's my group.
i made a thing between Wilson, Julian, Fay and I. you know the 4 steps of gaining disciples? i wrote at the top. well, i split up the duty.
Wilson will do the blessing part since he likes to buy sweet and candy for people. (so he's blessing)
I will do the fellowship part because my first love language is personal time. so i have all the time to spare for people
Fay will do the meet people's felt needs cuz, she can do it. hehe
Julian will share the gospel because he's a man of faith
haha.. oki people, remember your duties!
and on the second day we (the Pam's tribe) became the group leaders of the assigned groups.
on the first day
had sessions from morning to evening. so tiring. but at night was the most funny part! Phoebe daarling (spelt this way) and I rolled all over each other and "practiced snoring". actually we wanted to frame Abigail for snoring. Phoebe and i were like rolling all over the stage, kicking Abi, rolling over each other and putting our legs over one another. Lol. Oh! i accidentally molested Phoebs.
during the sleeping time, me and phoebe were like playing around and we laughed til our hearts almost dropped out. me and phoebs thought that abi slept already so we were like playing "quietly" and i went to like shake my hand in front of abi's face cuz she didn't respond so i told phoebs that abi is asleep then suddenly abi suddenly said, "what?!" and then phoebs and i started laughing. haha! phoebs tried to control her laughter and it sounded like she was crying. damn funny. trying to control the laughter in the end became laugh even harder thanks to phoebe's weird laughing!
and before abi tried to sleep and phoebs and i playing at night, the three of us talked about weird things that could link to other things.
it all started with me combing my hair and phoebs asked me, "why you comb your hair at night?" and i told her that my hair's curly so it tangles easily then abi said "ya lorx, not like your hair so straight and nice" then phoebs said that she uses Rejoice the shampoo then i told her i used Clear and abi said she used Asian (the shampoo) then from there we started talking about the kind of hair we have whether got dandruff or not then went on the food and the way ps. william talks (it's scary sometimes) and it went on and on then suddenly it went to pheobs laughing. so funny. oh and before the time became late, Fay called my handphone (she was sleeping on the other side of the room [which wasn't far]) and she CALLED me! when i answered she said, "eh you all can keep quiet or not? very noisy lerx people wanna sleep!" then hang up! so weird. when i told my gals that they started laughing somemore.
in the morning,
after the sessions we went to play at east coast. we were spilt into 4 groups i was in group 4 with claire, joanne, grace (dawn's), julian, ling ling and
after all the games, since my group won, my group and grace (pearl's) group won so must do the forfiet for the losing group. we had to roll on the sand! i didn't want to do due to personal reasons and vanessa let me off. but my lovely younger brother was such an angel! he took my spot for me. hehe.. so sweet of him rite? thank you Wilsy!
after the games we went to bathe. went to bathe with abi dear and phoebs darling at abi's grandma's house. and we were like rushing afraid that we would be late because we were to meet at TC at 6.30 and we just went out of the house at 6.25. so we rushed there and in the end, we became the earliest. fay, grace, hui ying, julian and wilsy came next. fay bought me subway cookie! and fay told me bout some old uncle who sits in front of the toilet collecting money and she thought he was cute and i interpreted it wrongly and so did julian and the 2 of us started laughing uncontrollably. haha.. got to know julian too during camp. he's very nice.
on the second day
i was in group number 2.
i was the second in-charge. The first in-charge were Esther and Kailin. When the two of them were taking care of the group, the group didn't want to listen to them AT ALL!
they talked among themselves (the boys) the gals just sat there being so quiet not saying a thing. So difficult to get them to co-operate.
we went to sentosa for all the gaming. we sat at the shelter and some St. Joseph boys were there too. visually stunning! hehe. only like 2 of them. such a disappointment! but.. it was still nice to see some scenery. hehe. Yuki thought the same way too. sorry yarx. there were only TWO tall, dark and handsome guys.
at the second round, Esther and Kailin went to become station masters for the games and i became the first in-charge. Before they left to become station masters, they wished me luck in handling the group. HAHA!
you know what happened? when it was my turn, everybody was SO co-operative and they didn't play amongst themselves, they spoke up more and they listened to me! WOOHOO! YAYness.
like super funny and the two of them were like, "how's our group?" "are they behaving themselves?" haha! so funny! and i was like all cool and told them, "everything's fine people. they're like super nice. even the boys are listening to me" then they like so jealous!
in my group there was supposed to be, 5 boys and 2 gals. in the end, only 4 boys came and 2 gals. the other boy (Ben) he was sick at the last minute. But nevermind, hope he gets well soon and maybe it was the Lord's annoiting that he didn't come so that it would be easier for me to take care of them.
the people in my group were: Weng Kin (boy), Brandon (boy), Ernest (boy), Dovin (boy), Debbie (gal), Tessa (gal) and Guohua/Travis (leader) [the leader was just supposed to play with the members and they're just there to make sure that the group is safe] I really thank God that He blessed me with this group of people.
Ernest and I became really close, we became really good friends. First he was like very shy to talk to me and didn't want to come near me but then slowly he started asking questions and in the end he always stood next to me and talk. Brandon too.
Brandon is SO funny! He and Ernest are so funny and they are always together and everything is the two of them who crap alot. In the bus ride back to Daniel Hall (the main place where we had the camp) I asked Ernest and Brandon how much they got for their PSLE score. Ernest got 209 and Brandon got 249! (my goodness!) and Brandon didn't want to tell me so he pretended to cry and the way he cried was hilarious. And he said, "huh?! PSLE results come out already? (cries) how come i don't know?! why nobody tell me! (cries) then now i never get my PSLE marks! (cries) Walao Ernest! i thought you my friend! (cries) then you never tell me that the results come out already! cries I don't friend you anymore!"
Ernest, '(cries) you don't want to friend me anymore?!"
it was SUPER funny. if you saw it yourself it would be really cute!
anyways, in the end, i was close to the guys and Esther, Kailin was closer to the two gals. Don't ask me why (and i didn't flirt with the guys!) the gals just seem uncomfortable with me. OH DEAR! but they open up to me too but not as much towards Esther and Kailin. The guys were more open to me (including the leader).
saturday nite, we watched Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. And sweet Ernest was so nice knowing that i had a long and tiring day and because i told him too, he massaged me! so nice of him!
and i saw a REALLY REALLY cute boy. cute as in baby cute. with all the baby fats still in the cheeks. his name is Brian (in a different group). And i couldn't help myself. i just had to pinch his cheeks. in the end.. I managed too and it was super soft!
sorry ya, weakness for cute adorable chubby baby face small boys.
saturday nite
slept at 3.30 am. was taught how to play daidi (or whatever). but before that watched the movie and had a closing session for the P6s and had prize presentation then.. my fav! SUPPER! hahax. after supper supposed to go to sleep but wasn't sleepy so played. however, before playing i went to talk to Ernest. So funny lerx that fellow!
Brandon had to leave and he wasn't able to sleep overnight because the next day his mother had a christmas function and he had to be there. So sad. If he was there at night Ernest and Brandon will be crapping with me until i don't have to sleep anymore!
then when we finally went to sleep we (phoebs and me) were playing around again. we snored and listened to phoebs laughing/crying again. so crappy man the three of us.
sunday morning
was allowed to wake up late!! from the usual 7 we woke up at 9am. BUT! at 7 all the P6 girls had to wake up to leave and they made sooo much noise i woke up and so did Phoebs and Abi. I wanted to wake up at 7 too to see off my group members but i was just darn too tired so, "aiyah! they know how to leave by themselves!"
Waehehe! sorry, i'm very cranky when i'm forced awake or if i wake up before the time i WANT to wake up. At night even how tired i am, if you talk to me or whatever i won't get cranky, i would just sit there so tiredly and listen to you talk or whatever. (sidetrack: there was a time, during some camp, i was talking with a group of people some gals and some guys then i leaned onto the pillar and they talked forever! the next thing i knew, it was morning and i was leaning on the pillar. meaning i fell asleep and they left me there!)
was kinda sad that saturday night came and everybody had to split up.
*fyi, the people in the group meaning the group members are in Primary 6 going on to Secondary 1 in January. They were in the camp because they were having P6 assimilation camp. and they were given to us in groups so that we can "practice" to become leaders.
during the sessions we learnt alot of things. we learnt that to follow God we have to deny ourselves, be prayerful and have faith. sunday moring ps. william gave a session and in the end of the session he "sent us out 2 by 2" to our schools or workplace to share the word of God and create disciples. "sent us out 2 by 2" means to go to our environment and plant ourselves to create disciples for the Lord.
to create disciples there are 4 steps:
1. Bless the people
2. Fellowship with the people
3. Meet the felt needs of the people
4. Share the gospel with the people
and now i want to create a prayer group in my school in which we meet up about twice a week to pray for the people, school, country and the nations. i have faith that the Lord will provide me with the people. and these people in my prayer group will be part of my spiritual family and they will be invited by me to go for my tribe's annual june camp.
"i can do all things in Christ who strengthens me!"

my group during lunch

my group and group 3 building the castle of God. (my group's the one behind)

the camp family!

me supervising my group in building the sand castle
about my lovely group 2
esther: the first incharge. she's super sweet! how come i never talked to her?! stupid me! she's leads the group very well eventhough the group members weren't listening to her. haha. but she perservered and didn't give up. she still gave in her best. in the end, thanks to her, the group finaly opened up.
kailin: the first second incharge. she's nice and she helped esther alot in the disciplining side for the guys. she's the strict one while esther is loving one.
travis: the cell leader of 2 of the boys and he's very nice. hehe, i took his 50 cents that he contributed for one of the icebreakers we were playing. hehe.. i still have it. he knew i took it and he didn't mind me having it. joked with him on the way to sentosa telling him that we must give a nice pose to the traffic camera (when they take photo of ur car when u speed on the highway) so must put make up and wear gown and everything. super funny!
debbie: the sweet little gal who is just the most adorable thing you've every seen! she's super quiet but she's very cooperative and she's very shy at the beginning but when she suddenly talked to me, i got the biggest shock of my life! hehe.
tessa: the missing sheep. when we were gathering all our people she wasn't around at all. she too was a quiet darling but after some time she started talking to me too! tessa and debbie very funny lerx, they are in the same cell but they dont talk to each other then i asked, "do you know each other" then they said yes i nearly fainted! haha.
isaac/weng kin: the very noisy one. always talking and never listening. but in the end, got him to listen more. he's nice even though at the beginning you just wanted to strangle him.
dovin: he turned out to be exactly the way i imagined him to be! when i saw his name, his name reminded me of Donovan and i imagined him to be chubby, rosy on the cheeks and shy. and he was everything that i thought. he was so shy! he was the first guy to talk to me.
Brandon: haha.. crappy, noisy, looney! haha. he's very nice and sweet eventhough he's crappy. what to do? like me! can't stop talking. in the beginning he talked like he was drinking water then with time i managed to make him talk at times when he's supposed to or when he can. and he was the second guy who was close to me.
Ernest: haha.. like Brandon. crappy, noisy, looney! haha. he's like Brandon's twin. these two people are so alike besides the face. he's the first guy who was close to me. listens to every single thing i say! he can be a good leader and follower of God because if you tell him to do something he will do it without asking why and he'll just do it. likes to call me "jie jie" told him not to cuz makes me sound old. hehe.
and that's my group.
i made a thing between Wilson, Julian, Fay and I. you know the 4 steps of gaining disciples? i wrote at the top. well, i split up the duty.
Wilson will do the blessing part since he likes to buy sweet and candy for people. (so he's blessing)
I will do the fellowship part because my first love language is personal time. so i have all the time to spare for people
Fay will do the meet people's felt needs cuz, she can do it. hehe
Julian will share the gospel because he's a man of faith
haha.. oki people, remember your duties!