Mother Tongue O level is OVER!
I totally want to praise the Lord because the paper was pretty easy & I think I can score for this.
Now it's left with Oral.
I don't want to redo the paper...

Anyway, after the paper Huien, Dan & I went to Parkway.
When we were @ Starbuck.. OMFG!
There were these 2 transvestites. 1 was a dude who wore make up & painted his nails but we can so tell he's still a dude.
The other... was wearing a short V neck dress with lepoard print leggings with red heels, painted nails, make up & here's the shocker; BREASTS!
I'm serious! He has BREASTS... really BIG ones!
Girls (my girls) if you thought that my breast are big... herhis were HUGE & his cleavage was super deep.
I was pissed... He has bigger boobs than me & I'm a girl.

a teen actor who acted in Harry Potter Half-Blood Prince died after being stabbed in front of a pub while trying to protect his younger brother.
Robert Knox.
Can bet during the movie it'll say, "In memory of Robert Knox."

The Dark Knight (Batman) will have, "In memory of Heith Ledger." I liked him... but apparently he's crazy. Taking a drug cocktail.

Went to Parkway again with Charmaine today. I went to check out some glasses since my pair is old & the lenses have scratches that are... oh my goodness!
Here's the pair of glasses that I've come down to:this is bronze, half framed, thin metal side frames, protrudes slightly at the sides and gives an intellectual and professional look. $148
this is black, half framed, broader metal side frames (compared to the one above), rectangular lenses and gives a timeless professional look. $178

Between these two I cannot decide.
I like the bronze one because of the style but I'd prefer it in black however the one that's black, I don't really fancy it's style because it looks bland & common.
Tell me which one you think looks nice.

Oh, must remember that the glasses has got to match my clothes not just my uniform.
I've got black, brown, white, red & yellow. :D

I asked my dad to help me decide & he told me to take resposibility because I'm the one who's wearing it.
"But I like them both!"
"I can't afford to buy you both! You think it's like your shoes? Different style for different clothes?!"


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