
alright, I've been kind of holding this to myself and a few friends for quite some time now and I think it's time to let it out.

For quite some time I've been having these minor heart pains. They just come suddenly and leave after inflicting a short sharp pain. However, today, it was the most painful moments.
In today alone, I've gotten at least 10 or more of these sudden pains and it has been gradually increasing in intensity for the past few months.

Today, the pain came suddenly and would linger for a long time before it would leave. The pain comes sometimes after I laugh or climb up the never-ending stairs or when I get my heart pumping way too fast. I'm afraid I'm already experiencing heart problems. I've got to get a visit to the doctors.
The scariest was the sudden pain that I felt that left my entire left arm numb for a moment. I'm seriously pretty scared for myself. I have yet to live a full life and I've just turned 16 and I'm already getting heart attacks.

Great work P!

With these constant mini heart attacks (thats what I think they are) it has left me breathless recently. I can't take deep breaths and there's a constricting feeling in my chest. I can't do any vigorous activities because the pain will suddenly appear.

I've got to consult a doctor ASAP. And if it is confirmed, I might have very little time left. Time to set my will...


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