where shall I start?

anyhow ok? OK.

today was my first training for NDP Guard Of Honor (GOH) contingent.
it was ok. very tiring.

then when we finished that training,
had to go for GB day GOH contingent training.

then this wedensday I'll be going for GB 80th anniversary GOH contingent.
but don't need to march. lucky!
just stand there and salute at all the people walking by.

monday I have to bring 3 sets of clothes to school.
let me tell you why...

morning wearing GB full uniform cuz of GB day.
dress, haversash, belt, tie, cap, boots, GB socks.

then after being in the GOH, hafta rush to the music room for choir performance for the Hong Kong exchange.
gown, corset, stockings, ribbon, choir shoes.

then come back to school at 12+ have to change back into GB full uniform.

afte school I have NDP training again, so must change into a different outift.
mufti, school skirt, shorts, GB socks, boots, name tag.

i should just bring a luggage to school.

almost forgot to tell you people.
I've been made Assistant Squad Leader for squad 4.
in my GB company.

i didn't think i'll become an ASL because i'm always disappearing for choir stuff.
so very scared too.
wanted to cry when Ms Wong told me but i was like, "cannot cry!!"

so i'm working with Dora Chia.
wah, squad 4 very good lo.
they have 2 leaders that are super fun!

but also very sad cuz i'll miss squad 5.
this year is so weird, normally people will cry when their names are called for squad leader or assistant squad leader but this year nobody cried,

instead, MY squad 5 leader and assistant squad leader cried.
cuz she's so proud of me and Andorria.


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