Tuesday, 03 October 2006

Today i had my english and history papers.
It was alright at first.
Then history was slightly difficult.

It was managable so i just hope that i get good grades.

Had another fight at home.
This time with my aunt.
Over what??
She says if i fail my math again, she's stop my education.
Meaning, she'll make me stop schooling!

Ridiculous right?
Over a stupid subject like math?!
Math is not that important anyway.
I don't understand why we need algebra and mensuration in life for.
It's not like we're going to a store and when we buy a box we'll say,
"The surface area of this box is blah blah blah. The total volume is blah blah blah. My present's volume is blah blah blah which means that i would have blah blah blah space left in the box after inserting the present. No, this box is too big."

Who in their right minds would do such a stupid thing?! Seriously! I cannot stand it anymore. I should have gotten that stupid visa. If i did, i wouldn't be in Singapore. I would be in America waking up getting ready to go to my high school!
To hell you people who didn't want to give me my visa just because you guys were too afraid to send me there thinking that i would bomb your country or something! I'm a girl who desperately wants to get out of this stupid house and go to a hostel in America and study!

A lawyer does not need math to win a case. She needs language. She won't give the judge and jury mathematical equations to emphasise her point. She wont use the penthogas theorem during the closing speech!

What a waste of time.
I'm just going to flunk every other math paper i get.
It's not like stopping me from schooling is going to make it better.
It's not like threatening me with stopping my education is going to make my math magically improve by a man's giant leap on the moon!
She says, i fail my math just because i don't like the teacher.
HELLO?!?!?! a nut stuck in your brain?! If i hated my math teacher i would have kicked her in the groin by now oki. So by failing my math, it's not going to hurt my teacher's feelings or anything. It's not going to ruin her ego of teaching! She's not going to go all, "OH! Tangxp failed her math again! I feel soooo depressed!!"

Yeah.. Right!

I am so pissed. Angry, aggitated, frustrated, infuriated and all the bad feelings you can find in the dictionary!
And this is another thing my aunt said.
"If you go out into the world and not outshine the rest, when you get a husband you're just going to end up divorcing"
|english has been corrected due to her poor standard of english|

Again, HELLO?!?!?!?!?another nut stuck in your brain?!
MATHisn't going to get me a boyfriend oki! Math, is not my matchmaker of love. Math, is not going to be the pastor at my wedding!!
Math, has nothing to do with getting married!!!!
Studies don't affect marriage relationships!!!!! |screams everything at the top of lungs|

I couldn't care less.

7 more days til endof exams.


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